Beschreibung Business Essentials, Third Canadian Edition. Geared for an Introduction to Business course. This best-selling text continues to present a briefer, no-nonsense approach to the fundamentals of business which spans the range of all functional areas - management, marketing, operations, accounting, information systems, finance, and legal studies. *New organization: Streamlines content into 16 chapters divided into 6 parts with 2 appendices. *Crafting Your Business Plan Exercises: Chapter-ending exercises apply chapter material to the task of developing a business plan. Students are encouraged first to examine sample plans and then to personalize their own plans using the Windows-based Business Plan Pro software. *PHLIP/CW companion website: Includes an Interactive Study Guide, Current Events Articles with discussion questions, Student Study Hall, Career Center, Writing Center, Research Center, and Ask the Tutor. *Two Part-Opening Chapter Case Vignettes: Open and close each chapter. The chapter-opening vignette introduces a current real-world business situation involving the content and issues that follow in the chapter. The chapter-closing vignette tells the rest of the story, poses questions for discussion, and leads into the cha
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