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    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance: 2013 Basic Edition (2 Volume Set)

    Beschreibung Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance: 2013 Basic Edition (2 Volume Set). This government-wide compendium of federal programs, projects, services, and activities makes it easy for users to find and apply for the government programs that meet their needs. The Catalog contains official information on deadlines, application procedures, and authorized legalization for a wide variety of federal assistance programs. It also informs users about any programs added or deleted since the last edition, and contains valuable information on regional and local programs offices, proposal writing, application procedures, additional sources of information, and much more.

    Buch Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance: 2013 Basic Edition (2 Volume Set) PDF ePub

    beta.SAM.gov ~ Each assistance listing is associated with a unique five digit CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) number. Once you identify a federal assistance listing that you’re interested in, you can link directly to grant opportunities on Grants.gov or follow up with that specific agency using the contact information provided. CFDA Print Editions. Download . Help Resources. Public Quick .

    LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND STATE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ~ FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MANUAL PREFACE This manual sets forth the administrative procedures and requirements for Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) federal assistance (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance #15.916) to the States by the Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS). It supersedes the program's existing LWCF GRANTS MANUAL (NPS-34). It is also intended to .

    beta.SAM.gov ~ Federal Assistance. Assistance Listings (CFDA) This website has officially replaced CFDA.gov. Learn About Assistance Listings; Search Assistance Listings; Federal users should migrate their roles from CFDA and manage their listings using a new user account. Entities. SAM.gov remains the authoritative source for entity information at this time. However, we encourage you to test searching for .

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