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    Kohn, M: Financial Institutions and Markets

    Beschreibung Kohn, M: Financial Institutions and Markets. Why do financial institutions and markets have the structure they do? Why is that structure changing? These questions are central to the scope and purpose of Meir G. Kohn's Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e. Unlike most books designed for financial markets and institutions courses, this successful text focuses on the "why" of existing and evolving markets and instruments as well as the "how." Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e, makes clear the general principles and economic functions underlying all financial intermediaries. It provides a thorough discussion of the specifics of banking, insurance, pension funds, and mutual funds. In a similar fashion, the book elucidates the general principles and economic functions common to all financial markets and offers an in-depth look at the specifics of the particular markets for government securities, mortgages, corporate debt, equity, and derivatives. The final section addresses the management of liquidity and risk and discusses the safety, stability, and regulation of financial intermediaries and financial markets. Each chapter begins with a list of study objectives and concludes with a summary. Key terms are listed at the end of each chapter and defined in marginal glossaries as they occur in the text. End-of-chapter questions are included to provide a stimulus for discussion. Accessible to a wide range of students, Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e, is ideal for courses in financial institutions, financial markets, or a combination of institutions and markets at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

    Buch Kohn, M: Financial Institutions and Markets PDF ePub

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    Financial Institutions and Markets - Meir G. Kohn - Google ~ Why do financial institutions and markets have the structure they do? Why is that structure changing? These questions are central to the scope and purpose of Meir G. Kohn's Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e. Unlike most books designed for financial markets and institutions courses, this successful text focuses on the "why" of existing and evolving markets and instruments as well as the .

    Financial Institutions and Markets: 9780195134728 ~ These questions are central to the scope and purpose of Meir G. Kohn's Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e. Unlike most books designed for financial markets and institutions courses, this successful text focuses on the "why" of existing and evolving markets and instruments as well as the "how." Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e, makes clear the general principles and economic .

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    Financial Institutions and Markets, 2nd Edition, Meir Kohn ~ Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e, makes clear the general principles and economic functions underlying all financial intermediaries. It provides a thorough discussion of the specifics of banking, insurance, pension funds, and mutual funds. In a similar fashion, the book elucidates the general principles and economic functions common to all financial markets and offers an in-depth look .

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    BA3T7F Financial Markets and Services (Elective-II) ~ 2. Gordon E and Natarajan K, “Financial Market and Services”, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi 3. Meir Kohn, “Financial Institution and Markets”, Oxford University press, New Delhi, 2009. Reference Books: 1. Avadhani V A, “Marketing of Financial Services”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 2. Bharti V Pathk, “The Indian .

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