Beschreibung The Finish Rich Dictionary: 1001 Financial Words You Need to Know. Do you know what a balloon payment or a credit score is? A Sharpe ratio? A market-timer? Unfortunately, most people do not know these and many other important financial terms--until it is too late. In The Finish Rich Dictionary, best-selling author David Bach defines and demystifies the language of finance, giving readers the power to understand their finances, manage their money more effectively, and plan for their future. This compact volume provides clear definitions (with frequent sample sentences and occasional usage notes) for terms such as "adjustable rate mortgage," "consumer price index," "Fannie Mae," "keiretsu," "Latte factor," "monetarism," "narrow money," "no-load," "Patriot bond," "rack rent," "Roth IRA," "Sallie Mae," "stagflation," "tiger economy," "value stock," "white goods," and "zaibatsu." In addition to the essential 1001 words, the book also includes many explanatory essays about important (and often confusing) topics. Readers can learn if they have a credit card problem and, if so, how to solve it. Other essays shed light on how to buy a home, the top ten money mistakes people make, understanding your credit score, how to hire a financial advisor, and how to plan for retirement. Finally, the book includes a list of common financial equations, an interest rate calculator table, and an extensive listing of books for further reading, making The Finish Rich Dictionary a truly practical all-around financial guide and reference book. Whether you are a business school student or a homeowner taking out a mortgage, The Finish Rich Dictionary is the ideal companion to the complex world of money and finance.
The Finish Rich Dictionary 1001 Financial Words You Need ~ the finish rich dictionary 1001 financial words you need to know Sep 13, 2020 Posted By Danielle Steel Media Publishing TEXT ID c648514e Online PDF Ebook Epub Library would not disappoint the little angel for all the world and if you want me at the card table now i am resolved to finish the basket after supper view in context i will give him
Financial Terms Dictionary - Investopedia ~ A Ton Of Money: A slang term used to describe a significant amount of money. The amount implied typically depends on the person, company or situation.
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10 Common Finance Terms Every Newbie Needs to Know ~ 10 Common Finance Terms Every Newbie Needs to Know. FACEBOOK TWITTER LINKEDIN By Socrates Alvarez. Reviewed By Gordon Scott. Updated Mar 13, 2020. In order to get a better understanding of what .
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