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    Commodities and Capabilities

    Beschreibung Commodities and Capabilities. Commodities and Capabilities presents a set of inter-related theses concerning the foundations of welfare economics, and in particular about the assessment of personal well-being and advantage. The argument presented focuses on the capability to function, i.e. what a person can do or can be, questioning in the process the more standard emphasis on opulence or on utility. In fact, a person's motivation behind choice is treated here as a parametric variable which may or may not coincide with the pursuit of self-interest. Given the large number of practical problems arising from the roles and limitations of different concepts of interest and the judgement of advantage and well-being, this scholarly investigation is both of theoretical interest and practical import.

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    Commodities and capabilities : Sen, Amartya, 1933- : Free ~ Commodities and capabilities by Sen, Amartya, 1933-Publication date 1999 Topics Welfare economics, Economic history, Welfare economics, Économie du bien-être Publisher Delhi ; New York : Oxford University Press Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Winner of the Nobel Prize in .

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    Commodities and Capabilities - Download Free eBook ~ Commodities and Capabilities presents a set of inter-related theses concerning the foundations of welfare economics, and in particular about the assessment of personal well-being and advantage. The argument presented focuses on the capability to function, i.e. what a person can do or can be, questioning in the process the more standard emphasis on opulence or on utility. I Commodities and .

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