Beschreibung A Dictionary of Statistics (Oxford Modern Languages And Literature Monographs). This wide-ranging, jargon-free dictionary contains over 1,700 entries on all aspects of statistics including terms used in computing, mathematics, operational research, and probability, as well as biographical information on over 200 key figures in the field, and coverage of statistical journals and societies. It embraces the whole multi-disciplinary spectrum of this complex subject. The entries are generously illustrated with useful figures and diagrams, and include previously worked examples where applicable, which place them in a practical context. Appendices include a historical calendar of important statistical events, and tables of statistical and mathematical notations.Fully updated, the Dictionary of Statistics contains over 30 biographies as well as internet links that point to useful sites for further information and study and many additional illustrative examples that clarify terms by showing them in use.
Dictionary of Statistics - Oxford Reference ~ This wide-ranging, jargon-free dictionary contains over 2,000 entries on all aspects of statistics including terms used in computing, mathematics, operational research, and probability, as well as biographical information on over 200 key figures in the field, and coverage of statistical journals and societies. It embraces the whole multi-disciplinary spectrum of this complex subject, and will .
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: A Dictionary of Statistics 3e (Oxford Quick ~ So, I went back to my statistics professors (I am an undergraduate student in statistics) and quoted from the book, with page reference. Nope, the book is wrong. It is sadly all-too-common to find scientists being incorrect in their explanations and interpretations of statistics. But this book - a dictionary no less - is by statisticians. It is .
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