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    Macroeconomics: A European Text

    Beschreibung Macroeconomics: A European Text. Macroeconomics teaches students to be young economists, providing a contemporary approach to the subject and a wealth of real-life case studies to allow students to understand how economics works in practice. Responding to the financial crisis, this text explains the modern approach to macroeconomics with simplicity and rigour, while retaining the focus on particular characteristics of the European economy. The authors analyse different theoretical approaches and contextualise theory with up-to-date monetary policy examples. Helpful learning features throughout the text including; boxes, chapter summaries, key concepts, end of chapter exercises, and essay questions, support students' learning, and the book is accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre designed to help students take their learning further. Online Resource Centre:Student Resources: Sample exam questionsMultiple choice questionsReview questionsWeb appendicesWeb linksLecturer Resources: Power Point slides Excel based exercises for macroeconomic modellingLecture plansCase studiesRevision questionsSolutions to end-of-chapter exercisesTest bankVLE cartridge

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    Macroeconomics: A European Perspective - Blanchard ~ Charles Bean, Deputy Governor, Bank of England. This book gives students a deep understanding of macroeconomics using a unified view of the subject, enabling connections to be made between the short, medium and long run. Now fully updated, this text is essential reading for anyone studying macroeconomics in the aftermath of the financial crisis.

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