Beschreibung Grounds of Liability: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law. This detailed expositiion of concepts centering on liability-in both a legal and an everyday sense-focuses on such notions as voluntary conduct, acts, intention, negligence, and recklessness. White argues that, contrary to the interpretation taken by many who follow the Austinian tradition, the legal and non-legal uses and understandings of these terms are the same.
Grounds of liability : an introduction to the philosophy ~ Grounds of liability : an introduction to the philosophy of law Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. Grounds of liability : an .
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Grounds of Liability An Introduction to the Philosophy of ~ This detailed expositiion of concepts centering on liability-in both a legal and an everyday sense-focuses on such notions as voluntary conduct, acts, intention, negligence, and recklessness. White argues that, contrary to the interpretation taken by many who follow the Austinian tradition, the legal and non-legal uses and understandings of these terms are the same.
Download Grounds of Liability: An Introduction to the ~ Download Ebook Grounds of Liability: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law Pdf Title : Grounds of Liability: An Introduction to the Philo.
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Alan R. White - Wikipedia ~ Alan Richard White (9 October 1922 â 23 February 1992) was an ordinary language philosopher who worked mainly in epistemology, the philosophy of mind, and legal philosophy.. Biography. Alan R. White (as he was usually cited) was born in Toronto on 9 October 1922, the elder of two children born to George Albert White and Jean Gabriel White (nĂ©e Kingston).
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