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    The European Union: how does it work? (New European Union)

    Beschreibung The European Union: how does it work? (New European Union). An expert team of scholars and practitioners provide a uniqe, enagaging, and current perspective on how the EU works in both theory and practice.The fifth edition of this successful textbook reflects the ongoing changes in the EU in light of the UK's departure from the union and the aftermath of the migration and Eurozone crises.A wealth of features throughout the text aid in student understanding. "How it really works" boxes demonstrate the workings of the EU in practice and challenge students to contrast with theoretical perspectives they encounter. Meanwhile, "Compared to what?" features examine aspects of the EU and its workings in relation to other entities, encouraging students to think laterally and critically about the reality of politics in the European Union. The text is supported by online resources designed to make teaching and learning more effective for both students and instructors. These include: For students: - Multiple-choice questions- A digital flashcard database For registered adopters of the textbook: - Suggested seminar questions and activities- PowerPoint slides as a basis for lecture presentations and handouts

    Buch The European Union: how does it work? (New European Union) PDF ePub

    How the European Union works - European External Action ~ Introducing the European Union How it works, who does what What this publication is about This publication is a guide on how the European Union (EU) works. ‘How the EU works’ means: how decisions are taken at EU level and who takes those decisions. At the heart of this decision-making process are the EU

    THE EUROPEAN UNION EXPLAINED How the European Union works ~ Introducing the European Union How it works, who does what What this publication is about This publication is a guide on how the European Union (EU) works. ‘How the EU works’ means how decisions are taken at EU level and who takes those decisions. At the heart of this decision-making process are the EU

    European Union: Definition, Purpose, How It Works, History ~ The European Union, How It Works, and Its History How Europe Became an Economic Powerhouse. Share Pin Email The Balance / Jo Zixuan Zhou. By. Full Bio. Follow Linkedin. Follow Twitter. Kimberly Amadeo has 20 years of experience in economic analysis and business strategy. She writes about the U.S. Economy for The Balance. Read The Balance's editorial policies. Kimberly Amadeo. Reviewed by. Full .

    The EU - what it is and what it does ~ The work of the European Union is assisted by a number of EU agencies, which are separate legal entities set up to perform specific tasks under EU law. They work on issues and problems affecting the everyday lives of people living in the EU. They have a major impact, providing EU institutions and Member States with specialised knowledge in diverse areas, such as cybersecurity, safety of food .

    The European Union: How does it work? (The New European ~ The European Union: How does it work? is the perfect introduction to the EU's structure and operations for those coming to the subject for the first time. An expert team of scholars and practitioners cut through the complexity to explain how the EU works in practice, and equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to master the subject.

    The EU in slides / European Union ~ These slides may be a useful tool for teachers, speakers on EU issues, students and anyone interested in giving a presentation about the EU. They offer clear explanations on what the European Union is, what it does and how it works. You may use the slides with no fees or copyright restrictions, and modify them at your own responsibility.

    Europe in 12 lessons - Publications Office of the EU ~ What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today? Find the answers to these – and many more - questions thanks to 12 easy lessons prepared by EU expert Pascal Fontaine.

    Europe in 12 lessons - Publications Office of the EU ~ What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today? In a globalised world, can the EU compete successfully with other major economies while maintaining its social standards? How can immigration be managed? What will Europe’s role be on the world stage in the years ahead? Where .

    Trade / European Union ~ Towards open and fair world-wide trade. The European Union is one of the most outward-oriented economies in the world. It is also the world’s largest single market area. Free trade among its members was one of the EU's founding principles, and it is committed to opening up world trade as well.

    Customs / European Union ~ The EU customs union in action. The EU Customs Union, established in 1968, makes it easier for EU companies to trade, harmonises customs duties on goods from outside the EU and helps to protect Europe’s citizens, animals and the environment.. In practice, the Customs Union means that the customs authorities of all 27 EU countries work together as if they were one.

    Eu&Me / WHAT IS THE EUROPEAN UNION? ~ Together they cover much of the European continent. The EU is home to over 446 million people, which corresponds to around 6 % of the world's population. Citizens of the EU Member States are also citizens of the European Union. The EU is currently made up of 27 countries. In June 2016 the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU, and left in 2020.

    European Central Bank (ECB) / European Union ~ European Union priorities for 2019-2024 . Consists of the ECB President and Vice-President and the governors of the central banks from all EU countries. How does the ECB work? The ECB works with the national central banks of all EU countries. Together they form the European System of Central Banks. It leads cooperation between central banks in the eurozone. This is referred to as the .

    Learning materials / Learning Corner ~ If you are between 14 and 18, or are a secondary school teacher interested in finding out about the European Union and what it does for you, then this publication is for you. The exercises it contains should provide food for thought not only for you, but also when talking about Europe with your friends and family. An

    The presidency of the Council of the EU - Consilium ~ The Council of the European Union. The Council of the EU is the institution representing the member states' governments. Also known informally as the EU Council, it is where national ministers from each EU country meet to adopt laws and coordinate policies. Read more about the work of the Council

    The organic logo / European Commission ~ The EU organic logo gives a coherent visual identity to European Union produced organic products. This makes it easier for the consumers to identify organic products and helps farmers to market them across the entirety of the EU. The organic logo can only be used on products that have been certified as organic by an authorised control agency or .

    What does the European Commission do? / Euronews ~ What does the Commission do? The European Commission is responsible for proposing new EU laws to protect the interests of the Union and its citizens at a bloc-wide level, for adoption .

    The European Semester / European Commission ~ The European Semester provides a framework for the coordination of economic policies across the European Union. It allows EU countries to discuss their economic and budget plans and monitor progress at specific times throughout the year. “Until 31 December 2020, and in line with the provision of the withdrawal agreement on the transition period, the UK will remain part of the European .

    English Style Guide - European Commission ~ All work for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation. Many others have contributed their time and expertise over the years, and even though they remain nameless here, they are not forgotten.

    European Union / World / The Guardian ~ European Union . 12 November 2020. No 10 insider row viewed as turning point for Boris Johnson. Published: 9:52 AM . No 10 insider row viewed as turning point for Boris Johnson . Post-Brexit lorry .

    EU Ecolabel - Environment - European Commission ~ I wish to be added to the communication mailing list. * (All fields are required.) Name: Organisation: Email: * The European Commission is committed to personal data protection. Directorate General Environment is processing your personal data in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.We would like to take this opportunity to update our mailing lists with your contacts in order to share .

    European Standards - CEN ~ European Standards are a key component of the Single European Market. Although rather technical and mostly unknown to the public and media, they represent one of the most important issues for businesses. Often perceived as boring and not particularly relevant to some organizations, they are actually crucial in facilitating trade and hence have high visibility among manufacturers inside and .

    River basin management - Water - Environment - European ~ On 23 October 2000, the "Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy" or, for short, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) was finally adopted.The Directive was published in the Official Journal (OJ L 327) on 22 December 2000 and entered into force the same day.

    International Money Transfer / Western Union ~ Send money on the go with the Western Union ® app. With Western Union, you can send money domestically, pay bills, check exchange rates *, track a transfer, make an international money transfer, and more – right from your smart phone. The power to send money around the world is yours. To get started, download the Western Union ® app.

    European Union Politics: SAGE Journals ~ European Union Politics is an international academic journal for advanced peer reviewed research and scholarship on all aspects of the process of government, politics and policy in the European Union. EUP aims to stimulate debate and provide a forum to bridge the theoretical and empirical analysis on the political unification of Europe.

    Europe News - the latest breaking news about europe / Euronews ~ Europe - Find all the latest information about Europe, news bulletins, follow live the breaking news on euronews