Beschreibung European Intellectual Property Law. European Intellectual Property Law offers a full account of the main areas of substantive European IP law and a discussion of their wider context and effect.The amount and reach of European law, and decision-making in the field of intellectual property has grown exponentially since the 1960s, making it increasingly difficult to treat European law as an adjunct to domestic intellectual property regimes. European Intellectual Property Law responds to this reality by presenting a clear and detailed account of each of the main areas of substantive EU intellectual property law, situated in the context of both the EU legal system and international IP law, including EU constitutional law, the law of the European Patent Convention 1973/2000, and private international law. It draws selectively on examples from domestic IP regimes to illustrate substantive differences between those regimes and to demonstrate the impact of European law, and decision-making on EU Member States.This unique, thoroughly modern approach goes beyond a discussion of the provisions of European legal instruments to consider their wider context and effect. European Intellectual Property Law is the ideal guide for any student wishing to gain a full and critical understanding of the substantive European law of intellectual property.
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EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL IP LAW PROF. DR. ANSGAR OHLY SS ~ A Kur and T Dreier, European Intellectual Property Law (2013), available as paperback and as e-book via www.e-elgar J Pila and P Torremans, European Intellectual Property Law (2016) P A C E van der Kooij and D Visser, EU IP Law (2015), available at our website Specific areas of IP (overview, references to commentaries and handbooks will be given in the respective chapters) G B Dinwoodie .
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European Intellectual Property Law [PDF, EPUB, EBOOK] ~ national european intellectual property law offers a full account of the main areas of substantive european ip law and a discussion of their wider context and effectthe amount and reach of european law and decision making in the field of intellectual property has grown exponentially since the 1960s making it increasingly difficult to treat european law as an adjunct to domestic intellectual .