Beschreibung Berry, E: Complete EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Complete EU Law combines extracts from leading cases and articles with expert author commentary in a concise and student-friendly format. The broad range of key topics taught on EU law modules are thoroughly covered, including full chapters on human rights and competition law.The Complete titles are ambitious in their scope; they've been carefully developed with teachers to offer law students more than just a presentation of the key concepts. Instead they offer a complete package. Only by building on the foundations of the subject, by showing how the law works, demonstrating its application through extracts from cases and judgments, and by giving students the tools and the confidence to think critically about the law will they gain a complete understanding.Online resourcesThis text is also supported by online resources which includes:* An interactive timeline and map illustrating the development of the EU and providing essential background knowledge of the Union and its Member States* Updates from the authors allowing students to stay on top of key developments in EU law, including Brexit* Self-test questions with instant feedback to help check understanding and assist with revision * Outline answers to assessment questions to help develop essay and problem-solving skills ahead of exams
EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials - Law Trove ~ The sixth edition of EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials provides clear analysis of all aspects of European law in the post Lisbon era. This edition looks in detail at the way in which the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty have worked since the Treaty became operational, especially innovations such as the hierarchy of norms, the different types of competence, and the legally binding Charter of Rights. The coming into effect of the new Treaty was overshadowed by the financial crisis .
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