Beschreibung Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action. Governments play a major role in the development process, and constantly introduce reforms and policies to achieve developmental objectives. Many of these interventions have limited impact, however; schools get built but children don't learn, IT systems are introduced but not used, plans are written but not implemented. These achievement deficiencies reveal gaps in capabilities, and weaknesses in the process of building state capability. This book addresses these weaknesses and gaps. It starts by providing evidence of the capability shortfalls that currently exist in many countries, showing that many governments lack basic capacities even after decades of reforms and capacity building efforts. The book then analyses this evidence, identifying capability traps that hold many governments back - particularly related to isomorphic mimicry (where governments copy best practice solutions from other countries that make them look more capable even if they are not more capable) and premature load bearing (where governments adopt new mechanisms that they cannot actually make work, given weak extant capacities). The book then describes a process that governments can use to escape these capability traps. Called PDIA (problem driven iterative adaptation), this process empowers people working in governments to find and fit solutions to the problems they face. The discussion about this process is structured in a practical manner so that readers can actually apply tools and ideas to the capability challenges they face in their own contexts. These applications will help readers devise policies and reforms that have more impact than those of the past.
Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action ~ Ebooks list page : 42690; 2018-01-24 [PDF] Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action; 2020-08-25 Building Change Capability for Managers; 2020-03-03 Pluralsight BUILDING YOUR FIRST DATA ANALYSIS WORKFLOW WITH MATLAB - Removed; 2020-02-09 Toyota Kata Culture: Building Organizational Capability and Mindset through Kata Coaching - Removed; 2019-12-27 Julia Programming Projects: Learn .
Download the new PDIA book for free – Building State ~ written by Salimah Samji We are delighted to inform you that our PDIA book entitled, “ Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action ” was just published by Oxford University Press. The book presents an evidence-based analysis of development failures and explains how capability traps emerge and persist.
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Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action ~ "Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action" provides evidence of the capability shortfalls that currently exist in many countries, analyses this evidence and identifies capability traps that hold many governments back—particularly related to isomorphic mimicry and premature load-bearing.
PDIA Toolkit / Building State Capability ~ The first is the Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action book which is available as a free download and the second is a set of short videos explaining the key concepts of PDIA. While the PDIA process is not linear, we recommend that you first read this toolkit in sequence to understand the steps. The toolkit has eight sections.
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