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    Development and Displacement

    Beschreibung Development and Displacement. Development and Displacement draws together a number of emergent challenges to the practices and theories of development in the contemporary world, associated with forms of displacement.The authors offer a careful analytical approach to the phenomenon of displacement, drawing on the work of development theorists, geographers and cultural studies. Illustrating the persisting importance of places and territories in a globalising world where social and economic networks and flows are increasingly significant, Development and Displacement offers a range of suggestions as to how development agendas, agencies of development, and conceptualisations of development are being reframed in response to this shifting development.

    Buch Development and Displacement PDF ePub

    Development, Displacement and Social Disarticulation ~ Development, Displacement and Social Disarticulation (kartoniertes Buch) Auf Wunschliste A Kerala Experience . Paul, Norvy. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Pädagogik/Sozialpädagogik, Soziale Arbeit. ISBN/EAN: 9783659411526 . Sprache: Englisch . Umfang: 260 S. Format (T/L/B): 1.6 x 22 x 15 cm .

    Industrial Development and Displacement: The People of ~ Industrial Development and Displacement: The People of Korba / Vasudha Dhagamwar, Subrata de, Nikhil Verma / ISBN: 9780761996798 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement Buch ~ This book explores the issue of development-induced resettlement, with a particular emphasis on the humanitarian, legal, and social aspects of this problem. Today, so-called development-induced displacement and resettlement` (DIDR) is one of the dominant causes of internal spatial mobility worldwide. Each year over 15 million people are forced to abandon their homes to make space for economic development infrastructure. The construction of dams and irrigation projects, the expansion of .

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    Development-induced displacement - Wikipedia ~ Development-induced displacement and resettlement (DIDR) occurs when people are forced to leave their homes and/or land as a result of development. This subset of forced migration has been historically associated with the construction of dams for hydroelectric power and irrigation but is also the result of various development projects such as mining, agriculture, the creation of military .

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