Beschreibung Environmental Economics. Intermediate Environmental Economics has established itself as one of the field's most authoritative texts, as well as one of the more challenging. It distinguishes itself from other books by presupposing that readers already have an understanding of intermediate microeconomics. Thus, this book concentrates only on environmental economics-problems of pollution of earth, air, and water-with an emphasis on regulation and private-sector anti-pollution incentives, and coverage of international examples.
Environmental Economics: Theory and Policy: ~ "This textbook offers students with basic knowledge of (micro) economics a deep understanding of basic and topical environmental issues and research results in an easily digestible format. The nontechnical yet sound presentation of methodology and theoretical principles, the discussion of solution concepts, and applications to practical problems are in perfect balance. The author succeeds in conveying his profound knowledge and insights in a stimulating way garnished with a pinch of humor .
Cambridge University Press: Environmental Economics ebook ~ This intermediate-level undergraduate textbook in environmental economics builds on the microeconomics courses students take in their first year. It intentionally does not survey the whole field or present every possible topic. Instead, there is a clear focus on the theory of environmental policy and its practical applications.
Environmental Economics - Kolstad, Charles D. - ~ Environmental Economics is the first text to concentrate solely on environmental economics--the problems of earth, air, and water pollution from an economic perspective--with an emphasis on both government regulation and private-sector anti-pollution incentives. With the assumption that readers already have an understanding of intermediate microeconomics, the book reaches into more detail on .
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Environmental Economics Buch versandkostenfrei bei ~ Klappentext zu „Environmental Economics “ This intermediate-level undergraduate textbook in environmental economics builds on the microeconomics courses students take in their first year. It intentionally does not survey the whole field or present every possible topic. Instead, there is a clear focus on the theory of environmental policy and its practical applications. Most of the applied parts of the book deal with the economics of environmental policy in the European Union and in the .
Ecological Economics: An Introduction: : Common ~ Taking as its starting point the interdependence of the economy and the natural environment, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of ecological economics. The authors, who have written extensively on the economics of sustainability, build on insights from both mainstream economics and ecological sciences. Part I explores the interdependence of the modern economy and its environment, while Part II focuses mainly on the economy and on economics. Part III looks .
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