Beschreibung The Essential Financial Toolkit: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Finance But Were Afraid to Ask (IESE Business Collection). Math and jargon make essential financial concepts seem intimidating, but that is simply because most books do not have the goal of being accessible to interested readers – this book does. In ten easy-to-read chapters, it explains all the essential financial tools and concepts, fully illustrated with real-world examples and Excel implementations.
The Essential Financial Toolkit - Everything You Always ~ Math and jargon make essential financial concepts seem intimidating, but that is simply because most books do not have the goal of being accessible to interested readers – this book does. In ten easy-to-read chapters, it explains all the essential financial tools and concepts, fully illustrated
Unternehmensfinanzierung (englischsprachig) - eBooks ~ The Essential Financial Toolkit: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Finance But Were Afraid to Ask (IESE Business Collection) (English Edition) 24. November 2010 / Kindle eBook
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