Beschreibung Sharing Cities (Urban and Industrial Environments). The future of humanity is urban, and the nature of urban space enables, and necessitates, sharing -- of resources, goods and services, experiences. Yet traditional forms of sharing have been undermined in modern cities by social fragmentation and commercialization of the public realm. In Sharing Cities, Duncan McLaren and Julian Agyeman argue that the intersection of cities' highly networked physical space with new digital technologies and new mediated forms of sharing offers cities the opportunity to connect smart technology to justice, solidarity, and sustainability. McLaren and Agyeman explore the opportunities and risks for sustainability, solidarity, and justice in the changing nature of sharing. McLaren and Agyeman propose a new "sharing paradigm," which goes beyond the faddish "sharing economy" -- seen in such ventures as Uber and TaskRabbit -- to envision models of sharing that are not always commercial but also communal, encouraging trust and collaboration. Detailed case studies of San Francisco, Seoul, Copenhagen, Medellín, Amsterdam, and Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) contextualize the authors' discussions of collaborative consumption and production; the shared public realm, both physical and virtual; the design of sharing to enhance equity and justice; and the prospects for scaling up the sharing paradigm though city governance. They show how sharing could shift values and norms, enable civic engagement and political activism, and rebuild a shared urban commons. Their case for sharing and solidarity offers a powerful alternative for urban futures to conventional "race-to-the-bottom" narratives of competition, enclosure, and division.
Sharing Cities: A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable ~ Sharing Cities: A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities Urban and Industrial Environments: : McLaren, Duncan, Agyeman, Julian: Fremdsprachige Bücher
. Sharing Cities - db deutsche bauzeitung ~ Sharing Cities. 17.10.2016 - Bücher - db 10/2016. A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities. Von Duncan McLaren, Julian Agyeman. 464 S., Hardcover, £23.95, The MIT Press, Cambridge 2015 ~Carsten Sauerbrei »Sharing« als Trend ist spätestens mit dem Aufkommen von Konzepten wie »shared space«, »job sharing« oder »open source« aus der Debatte um eine nachhaltige Zukunft nicht mehr .
Urbane Lebenswelten: Ideen für die Stadt der Zukunft ~ Urbane Lebenswelten: Ideen für die Stadt der Zukunft: : Mahrer, Harald, Halper, Dietmar: Bücher Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen.
[Baustein] Filme & Bücher für eine andere Mobilitätskultur ~ Bücher und Filme mehren das Wissen, inspirieren und können wichtige Impulse für eine sich verändernde Mobilitätskultur setzen. Die Literaturliste und vorgestellten Filme sollen zum Denken anregen, neue Perspektiven eröffnen und dazu animieren, die eigene Position kritisch zu reflektieren.
Urbanität / Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte / Geschichte ~ Urbanität wird von den Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes weniger im Sinne des schillernden Begriffs verstanden, der seit der Antike als Chiffre für kultivierte Lebensart und Rhetorik und in der Gegenwart vor allem für verdichtete Bebauung verwendet wird, sondern vielmehr für die medialen Formen und Strategien, in denen Urbanität inszeniert und Eigenarten des Urbanen akzentuiert werden.
Environment and Urbanization: SAGE Journals ~ Index of Environment & Urbanization Themes. You can find out more about Environment & Urbanization's index of issue themes. In the past year these have included Understanding the Full Spectrum of Risk in Urban Areas, Urban Livelihoods and The Urban Agenda: What is it and Where is it in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.
final report 071030 - smart cities ~ Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies (OTB) Delft University of Technology . Smart cities – Ranking of European medium-sized cities 1 General notes This report represents the final report of a research project sponsored by Asset One Immo-bilienentwicklungs AG, Kaiser-feldgasse 2, 8010 Graz. The project was elaborated from April to October 2007. This report was edited by the Centre of Regional .
Smart cities / European Commission ~ The Smart Cities Marketplace is an initiative supported by the European Commission that brings together cities, industry, small business (SMEs), banks, research and others. It aims to improve urban life through more sustainable integrated solutions and addresses city-specific challenges from different policy areas such as energy, mobility and transport, and ICT.
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Sci-Hub ~ share this. Sci-Hub ideas. knowledge to all. no copyright. open access. We fight inequality in knowledge access across the world. The scientific knowledge should be available for every person regardless of their income, social status, geographical location and etc. Our mission is to remove any barrier which impeding the widest possible distribution of knowledge in human society! We advocate .
Made in the City: Urban Manufacturing - Zukunftsinstitut ~ Bullinger, Hans-Jörg / Röthlein, Brigitte: „Morgenstadt. Wie wir morgen leben. Lösungen für das urbane Leben der Zukunft“, Carl Hanser Verlag 2012, S. 197ff. Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (Hg.): „Future Urban Industries – Produktion, Industrie, Stadtzukunft, Wachstum. Wie können wie den Herausforderungen begegnen?“, in: Policy .
Shrinking Cities: Effects on Urban Ecology and Challenges ~ Bücher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Shrinking Cities: Effects on Urban Ecology and Challenges for Urban Development versandkostenfrei bestellen bei Weltbild, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten!
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Most Downloaded Landscape and Urban Planning Articles ~ CiteScore: 9.2 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 9.2 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. 2016-2019) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) published in the same four calendar years, divided by the number of .
UrbanMapDesign / Individuelle Stadtpläne ~ UrbanMapDesign - Dein einzigartiger Stadtplan. Auf UrbanMapDesign erstellst Du Dir individuelle Stadtpläne von genau den Orten, die Dir am Herzen liegen.. Jetzt Stadtplan erstellen . Jeder Ort der Welt; Als Poster, auf Leinwand, Alu-Dibond oder Acrylglas
Pucher, J: City Cycling Urban and Industrial Environments ~ This book examines cycling in urban environments worldwide, with chapters from many academics and researchers on various subjects, such as utility cycling and the bicycles most suited to it, the concept of "effective speed" in cycling, bike sharing systems, women in cycling, children in cycling, health benefits of cycling, and cycling in cities of various size (up to Paris, London, New York .
Urban Data Platform - morgenstadt ~ Eine Urban Data Plattform bietet hierbei die Möglichkeit zur digitalen Vernetzung verschiedenster IKT-Lösungen im urbanen Raum. Für wen ist dieses Innovationsfeld relevant? • Öffentliche Verwaltung (bspw. Referat Integrierte Stadtentwicklung) als Endanwender • Unternehmen aus den Branchen Verkehr, Energie, Projektentwicklung usw. für die Lösungskomponenten Smart Services und .
Urban culture / sociology / Britannica ~ Urban culture, any of the behavioral patterns of the various types of cities and urban areas, both past and present.. Definitions of the city and urban cultures. Research on urban cultures naturally focuses on their defining institution, the city, and the lifeways, or cultural forms, that grow up within cities. Urban scholarship has steadily progressed toward a conception of cities and urban .
Urbane Produktion – Wikipedia ~ Urbane Produktion, auch „urban manufacturing“ bezeichnet die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von materiellen Gütern sowie produktbegleitenden Dienstleistungen in Räumen mit einer funktionalen Dichte und einer Mischung unterschiedlicher Nutzungen in einer Stadt.Unterschieden werden kann zwischen klassischer und moderner Urbaner Produktion sowie in Urbane Industrie, Urbane Manufaktur und .
What is Urban Development? / Bizfluent ~ Large cities, towns and even small neighborhoods do not spring up overnight. They are the result of careful planning by civil and design engineers, project managers, architects, environmental planners and surveyors. The integration of these disciplines is known as urban development. Urban development is a system of .
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Urban area - Wikipedia ~ An urban area, or built-up area, is a human settlement with a high population density and infrastructure of built environment.Urban areas are created through urbanization and are categorized by urban morphology as cities, towns, conurbations or suburbs.In urbanism, the term contrasts to rural areas such as villages and hamlets; in urban sociology or urban anthropology it contrasts with natural .
Urbanes / Das Generationen Magazin für Hamburg ~ Generationen gestalten urbanes Leben in Hamburg - kurz urbanes - ist die Zeitschrift der ambulanten pflegerischen Dienste der Diakonie in Hamburg und Umgebung. Die Ausgabe 3.2014. Demenz. Klingende Resonanzen im Haus Weinberg. Rhön. Das Naturparadies in der Mitte Deutschlands. Klinik-Clowns. Kranken Menschen ein Lachen schenken. Sexualität. Körperlichkeit bleibt auch im Alter wichtig .
What are Key Urban Environmental Problems? ~ The urban environment in international development assistance. By and large, the definition given above is consistent with the perspective on urban environmental problems taken by most international development agencies (a notable exception being the Dutch government’s DGIS, which explicitly includes the urban social environment as a focal area, alongside the urban physical environment .