Beschreibung The Cost-Benefit Revolution (Mit Press). Why policies should be based on careful consideration of their costs and benefits rather than on intuition, popular opinion, interest groups, and anecdotes.Opinions on government policies vary widely. Some people feel passionately about the child obesity epidemic and support government regulation of sugary drinks. Others argue that people should be able to eat and drink whatever they like. Some people are alarmed about climate change and favor aggressive government intervention. Others don't feel the need for any sort of climate regulation. In The Cost-Benefit Revolution, Cass Sunstein argues our major disagreements really involve facts, not values. It follows that government policy should not be based on public opinion, intuitions, or pressure from interest groups, but on numbers—meaning careful consideration of costs and benefits. Will a policy save one life, or one thousand lives? Will it impose costs on consumers, and if so, will the costs be high or negligible? Will it hurt workers and small businesses, and, if so, precisely how much?As the Obama administration's “regulatory czar,” Sunstein knows his subject in both theory and practice. Drawing on behavioral economics and his well-known emphasis on “nudging,” he celebrates the cost-benefit revolution in policy making, tracing its defining moments in the Reagan, Clinton, and Obama administrations (and pondering its uncertain future in the Trump administration). He acknowledges that public officials often lack information about costs and benefits, and outlines state-of-the-art techniques for acquiring that information. Policies should make people's lives better. Quantitative cost-benefit analysis, Sunstein argues, is the best available method for making this happen—even if, in the future, new measures of human well-being, also explored in this book, may be better still.
The Cost-Benefit Revolution (Mit Press): ~ The Cost-Benefit Revolution (Mit Press): : Sunstein, Cass R.: Fremdsprachige BĂźcher
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The Cost-Benefit Revolution / The MIT Press ~ Cost-benefit analysis may not have all the answers, but Cass Sunstein's eminently readable The Cost-Benefit Revolution addresses all the right questions. No one in America has thought more deeply about the strengths, weaknesses, and underpinnings of cost-benefit analysis from both a theoretical and practical level than Cass Sunstein. This book will surely pass your personal cost-benefit test.
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Download The Cost-Benefit Revolution (The MIT Press ~ Download The Cost-Benefit Revolution (The MIT Press) (English Edition) pdf books It follows that government policy should not be based on public opinion, intuitions, or pressure from interest groups, but on numbersâmeaning careful consideration of costs and benefits. Will a policy save one life, or one thousand lives? Will it impose costs on consumers, and if so, will the costs be high or .
Download PDF Books The Cost-Benefit Revolution (The MIT ~ Download The Cost-Benefit Revolution (The MIT Press) (English Edition) pdf books It follows that government policy should not be based on public opinion, intuitions, or pressure from interest groups, but on numbersâmeaning careful consideration of costs and benefits. Will a policy save one life, or one thousand lives? Will it impose costs on consumers, and if so, will the costs be high or negligible? Will it hurt workers and small businesses, and, if so, precisely how much?As the Obama .
The Cost-Benefit Revolution (The MIT Press): Sunstein ~ His new book, The Cost-Benefit Revolution is a 'must-have' for anyone who needs to know how the regulatory framework of our country operates. The subject matter of this study is what might be called the 'fine print' that is printed on the labels of the things that we buy; how we spend our money; how we save our money or invested in pension plans, investment accounts, or even to the purchase of lottery tickets. It involves calculations of the costs involved, or the benefits to be obtained, in .
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