Beschreibung The Economics and Politics of Ngos in Latin America. The burgeoning sector of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Latin America--funded by Northern donors--is both catalyzing and responding to change as states, market, and civil society realign in an age of information technology and globalization. The political economic perspective of this book clarifies the emerging role of Latin America's NGOs in the global community. After introducing the expanding role of NGOs in the international community at large, the book explores the history of NGOs in Latin America. It then uses case studies to examine the economics and politics of NGOs vis-a-vis information, partnerships, opportunism, entrepreneurship, and compromise with donors.
THE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF NGOs IN LATIN AMERICA ~ THE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF NGOs IN LATIN AMERICA Carrie A. Meyer Westport, Connecticut London. Contents List of Tables xi Preface xiii Acronyms and Abbreviations xvii 1 The Explosion of NGOs in the International Community 1 NGOs in a New World Order 2 The Growth of NGOs in the International Community 5 Chapter Overview 13 Notes 15 2 New Spaces and Fabrics in Latin America 17 States and .
The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin America: Meyer ~ "Carrie A. Meyer's book The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin America is the most complete description and analysis of NGOs which is currently available. Meyer skillfully interweaves institutional descriptions with socioeconomic analyses. Her book can be considered as a major new contribution to the development literature and especially to the deeper understanding of contemporary Latin America."-Werner Baer Professor of Economics University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
The economics and politics of NGOs in Latin America (Book ~ Get this from a library! The economics and politics of NGOs in Latin America. [Carrie A Meyer] -- Combining a political economic perspective and case studies, this book clarifies the role of Latin America's non-governmental organizations in the global community.
Book Review: The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin ~ Request PDF / On Mar 1, 2002, M. J. Pisani and others published Book Review: The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin America / Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
2009 The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin America ~ 2009 The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin America Book By Carrie A. Meyer - Critical Summary
CiNii 図書 - The economics and politics of NGOs in Latin America ~ The burgeoning sector of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Latin America-funded by Northern donors-is both catalyzing and responding to change, as states, market, and civil society realign in an age of information technology and globalization. The political economic perspective of this book clarifies the emerging role of Latin America's NGOs in the global community. After introducing the expanding role of NGOs in the international community at large, the book explores the history of .
Non-governmental organizations in Latin America ~ NGOs first appeared in Latin America in the 1950s, imbued with developmentalist ideology. They developed in the context of authoritarian regimes, as nuclei of social initiatives working in economic and political resistance with the most disadvantaged sectors of the population.
NGO’s in Latin-American and Caribbean context ~ Latin-American and Caribbean NGOs: Facing Challenges for Greater Participation at the United Nations Economic and Social Council by Daniela Navas Perrone* July 2009 * Master student on Development and Population Sciences at the Catholic University of Lovain-la- Neuve in Belgium, degree expected in September 2009. danielanp@hotmail . Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this publication are .
The role of NGOs in economics and politics ~ The role of NGOs in economics and politics NGO’s are non government organizations. They work for welfare of people without any greed of money or profit. Politicians barely do anything for the country. NGO’s are there to fill those gaps. They are well known as building blocks of the global community and as contributors to economic production, employment, institutional innovation, and .
US Funded NGO’s: New Face of Destabilization in Latin America ~ In Latin America, there is increasing awareness about the activities of these groups and those who fund them to undermine elected governments and subvert the region’s autonomy. Modus Operandi. Starting in 1999, the United States has increasingly lost the ability it once had to determine policy in Latin America.
Non-governmental organizations in Latin America ~ NGOs first appeared in Latin America in the 1950s, imbued with developmentalist ideology. They developed in the context of authoritarian regimes, as nuclei of social initiatives working in economic and political resistance with the most disadvantaged sectors of the population. In general, they have a common outlook, one which involves “popular education” activities carried out at the .
Monthly Review / Imperialism and NGOs in Latin America ~ Throughout Latin America peasant militants have voiced serious criticisms of the role and politics of the vast majority of NGOs, particularly about the patronizing and domineering attitude that they display behind their ingratiating rhetoric of “popular empowerment” and participation. I encountered this directly during a recent visit to El Salvador, where I was giving a seminar for the .
A Mixed Blessing: The NGO Boom in Latin America / NACLA ~ Latin American politics as a "living museum," in which new political actors appeared on the scene, but the old ones refused to disappear. 7 Latin American NGOs are very similar. In general, they have evolved from providing charity and relief, into community organizing and local development, and more recently toward lobbying and advocacy work .
: Customer reviews: The Economics and Politics ~ (From Planeta Journal) -- The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin America addresses a number of fascinating topics -- the explosion of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Latin American environmental funds, North-South transfers and "Yuppie" organizations. I had high hopes for this book since the author posted a brief commentary on the Environment Latin America Network (ELAN) listerv.
NGOs and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: A ~ However, NGOs in Latin America did not begin taking root until President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 Alliance for Progress. The Alliance for Progress, which looked to protect US economic interests in Latin America while at the same time promote democratic freedom in the region, proved to be inconsistent and did nothing to deter (or some say even encouraged) an unstable political atmosphere in the .
Politics of Latin America - Paperback - Harry E. Vanden ~ Now in its sixth edition, Politics of Latin America: The Power Game explores both the evolution and the current state of the political scene in Latin America. This text demonstrates a nuanced sensitivity to the use and abuse of power and the importance of social conditions, gender, race, globalization, and political economy throughout the region.
The politics of inequality and redistribution in Latin America ~ The decline in social and economic inequality registered in many Latin American countries since the late 1990s coincided with a shift away from the politics of market-based structural adjustment and towards a political landscape in which the social problems of poverty and inequality play a prominent role. This repoliticization of inequality has manifested itself both in the revival of mass .
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development ~ The strengths of NGOs can be seen in their close contacts to civil society in partner countries, even in countries in which government-level cooperation is difficult or impossible for political reasons. Thanks to their many years of involvement in partner countries they have often put in place structures and networks that foster development in the long term. For some years now, there has been .
‘NGOzation’ of Latin America: A Study of Donors, NGOs, and ~ marginalized populations who are excluded from their country’s economic growth. The Latin American NGO sector is a multi-million dollar industry, in terms of employment and service provision.2 The sector is diverse with a focus on service provision and advocacy, and covers education, environment, human rights, development, health, and many other common development themes. The rapid growth of .
Latest Grants for NGOs and Individuals in Latin America ~ Deadline: 28 March 2018 The Australian Government is seeking applications for its Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) Grant Program 2018 in order to enhance Australia’s economic, political and social relations with Latin America. In the 2018-2018 Grant round the Council will consider favorably projects that strengthen relations with priority countries Argentina, Brazil .
Development in Action / NGOs in South America: Better off ~ South America has enjoyed a significant rate of economic growth and development in recent times. The continent is a diverse land-mass home to over twelve sovereign nations that vary in population and cultural identities but are united by the same goal: the achievement of positive national growth. Alexander Conesa-Pietscheck discusses the role of NGOs in the South American development success .
25 Must-Follow NGOs in South America / OnGood ~ The NGO sector in South America and its use of online technology is as varied as the economies and cultures of the continent itself. Brazil, Argentina, and Chile have burgeoning NGO sectors that benefit from a growing, dependable Internet infrastructure while NGOs operating in poorer nations in South America only have limited access to the Internet or are offline completely.
LATIN AMERICA 2014: ECONOMIC, LEGAL AND POLITICAL TRENDS ~ LATIN AMERICA 2014: ECONOMIC, LEGAL AND POLITICAL TRENDS Update 1 · FTI Consulting, Inc. / Hunton & Williams CRITICAL THINKING AT THE CRITICAL TIME ™ Introduction Latin America in 2014 remains a tale of many regions, underscoring ideological, economic performance and political divides among countries that once appeared to march closer in unison. The national economies are further .
The Fund for American Studies - Wikipedia ~ The American Institute on Political and Economic Systems (AIPES) is established at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (now TFAS Prague) 1996 The International Institute for Political and Economic Studies (IIPES) in Greece is established 1999 The Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service (IPVS) is established in Indianapolis, Ind. (now the Service + Citizenship Academy) 2002 The .