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    Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming

    Beschreibung Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming. A pointed argument that cities—not nation-states—can and must take the lead in fighting climate change Climate change is the most urgent challenge we face in an interdependent world where independent nations have grown increasingly unable to cooperate effectively on sustainability. In this book, renowned political theorist Benjamin R. Barber describes how cities, by assuming important aspects of sovereignty, can take the lead from faltering nation states in fighting climate change. Barber argues that with more than half the world's population now in urban areas, where 80 percent of both GDP and greenhouse gas emissions are generated, cities are the key to the future of democracy and sustainability. In this compelling sequel to If Mayors Ruled the World, Barber assesses both broad principles of urban rights and specific strategies of sustainability such as fracking bans, walkable cities, above-ground mining of precious resources, energy and heating drawn from garbage incineration, downtown wind turbines, and skyscrapers built from wood. He shows how cities working together on climate change, despite their differences in wealth, development, and culture, can find common measures by which to evaluate the radically different policies they pursue. This is a book for a world in which bold cities are collaborating to combat climate change and inspire hope for democracy even as reactionary populists take over national governments in the United States and Europe. It calls for a new social contract among citizens and municipalities to secure not only their sustainability but their survival.

    Buch Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming PDF ePub

    Cool Cities / Yale University Press ~ In this book, renowned political theorist Benjamin R. Barber describes how cities, by assuming important aspects of sovereignty, can take the lead from faltering nation states in fighting climate change. Barber argues that with more than half the world's population now in urban areas, where 80 percent of both GDP and greenhouse gas emissions are generated, cities are the key to the future of .

    Cool cities : urban sovereignty and the fix for global ~ Get this from a library! Cool cities : urban sovereignty and the fix for global warming. [Benjamin R Barber] -- A pointed argument that cities-not nation-states-can and must take the lead in fighting climate change. Climate change is the most urgent challenge we face in an interdependent world where .

    Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global ~ Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming - Kindle edition by Barber, Benjamin R.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming.

    Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global ~ Cool Cities . Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming. Benjamin R. Barber. Hardcover. List Price: 26.00* * Individual store prices may vary. Description. A pointed argument that cities—not nation-states—can and must take the lead in fighting climate change Climate change is the most urgent challenge we face in an interdependent world where independent nations have grown .

    Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global ~ Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming Hardcover – April 18, 2017 by Benjamin R. Barber (Author) 3.5 out of 5 stars 6 ratings

    Cool Cities Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global ~ Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming, Cool Cities, Benjamin R. Barber, Yale University Press. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction .

    : Customer reviews: Cool Cities: Urban ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

    If Trump pulls out of the Paris climate agreement, Bill de ~ Barber, who died of cancer in April, days after his last book Cool Cities: Urban Sovereignty and the Fix for Global Warming was published, also argued that cities’ power extends far beyond .

    If Mayors Ruled the World / Yale University Press ~ Benjamin R. Barber is senior research scholar at the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, the Graduate Center, the City University of New York. He is also president and founder of the Interdependence Movement and the author of seventeen books, including Jihad vs. McWorld and Strong Democracy.Barber’s project for a Global Parliament of Mayors has attracted scores of urban leaders and .

    Global Warming Solutions ~ Boosting energy efficiency: The energy used to power, heat, and cool our homes, businesses, and industries is the single largest contributor to global warming. Energy efficiency technologies allow us to use less energy to get the same—or higher—level of production, service, and comfort. This approach has vast potential to save both energy and money, and can be deployed quickly. Greening .

    global warming / Definition, Causes, & Effects / Britannica ~ Global warming, the phenomenon of rising average air temperatures near Earth’s surface over the past 100 to 200 years. Earth’s climate has changed over various timescales since the dawn of geologic time, and the force of human activities since the Industrial Revolution has been woven into the fabric of climate change.

    Global Warming News -- ScienceDaily ~ Global Warming Research. Learn about the causes and effects of global warming. Consider possible global warming solutions. Read predictions of rising sea levels, coral reef bleaching and mass .

    How to Stop Global Warming, Solutions to Prevent Climate ~ There are many ways to prevent global warming from becoming worse. Many nations have put laws into place to fight climate change -- here’s what you can do.

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    The Urban Agenda for the European Union: EU ~ Barber B (2017) Cool cities: urban sovereignty and the fix of global warming. Yale University Press, New Haven-London Google Scholar. Barry A (1993) The European Community and European government: harmonization, mobility and space. Econ Soc 22(3):314–326 CrossRef Google Scholar. Bartelson J (2000) Three concepts of globalization. Int Sociol 15(2):180–196 CrossRef Google Scholar. Bartelson .

    Climate Q&A - Why is global warming a problem? ~ Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier, for most people. This is mainly because we have already built enormous infrastructure based on the climate we now have. People in some temperate zones may benefit from milder winters, more abundant rainfall, and expanding crop production zones. But people in other areas will suffer from increased heat waves, coastal erosion, rising sea .

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    Consequences and Effects of Global Warming - What is the ~ Learn about global warming and the consequences to our environment from increased wildlife extinction rates to acidic oceans and polluted air.

    If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising ~ "If you like cities you will love this wide-ranging book that captures the energy, excitement and importance of what is going on in the world's great urban centers."—Fareed Zakaria, CNN Makes the intriguing, provocative, and counter-intuitive argument the . . . cities and the mayors who run them are the last best hope for a safer, more prosperous, and more just future.

    The Heat Over Global Warming . NOW / PBS ~ Meet the woman who made talking about global warming cool. About Laurie David . one of New York City's poorest. She started up Sustainable South Bronx, an organization that is bringing parks .

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