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    The End of Growth

    Beschreibung The End of Growth. In an urgent follow-up to his bestselling Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller, Jeff Rubin argues that the end of cheap oil means the end of growth. What will it be like to live in a world where growth is over? Now updated with a new afterword. Economist and resource analyst Jeff Rubin is certain that the world's governments are getting it wrong. Instead of moving us toward economic recovery, measures being taken around the globe right now are digging us into a deeper hole. Both politicians and economists are missing the fact that the real engine of economic growth has always been cheap, abundant fuel and resources. But that era is over. The end of cheap oil, Rubin argues, signals the end of growth--and the end of easy answers to renewing prosperity. Rubin's own equation is clear: with China and India sucking up the lion's share of the world's ever more limited resources, the rest of us will have to make do with less. But is this all bad? Can less actually be more? It doesn't matter whether it's bad or good, it's the new reality: our world is not only about to get smaller, our day-to-day lives are about to be a whole lot different.

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    The End of Growth - Richard Heinberg ~ The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality (August 2011) Economists insist that recovery is at hand. Yet, unemployment remains high, real estate values continue to sink, and governments stagger under record deficits. The End of Growth proposes a startling diagnosis: humanity has reached a fundamental turning point in our economic history. The […]

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