Beschreibung The Origin of Financial Crises: Central Banks, Credit Bubbles, and the Efficient Market Fallacy. In a series of disarmingly simple arguments financial market analyst George Cooper challenges the core principles of today's economic orthodoxy and explains how we have created an economy that is inherently unstable and crisis prone. With great skill, he examines the very foundations of today's economic philosophy and adds a compelling analysis of the forces behind economic crisis. His goal is nothing less than preventing the seemingly endless procession of damaging boom-bust cycles, unsustainable economic bubbles, crippling credit crunches, and debilitating inflation. His direct, conscientious, and honest approach will captivate any reader and is an invaluable aid in understanding today's economy.
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The origin of financial crises : central banks, credit ~ The origin of financial crises : central banks, credit bubbles and the efficient market fallacy. [George Cooper] -- "The Origin of Financial Crises" provides a compelling analysis of the forces behind today's economic crisis. In a series of disarmingly simple arguments George Cooper challenges the core principles .
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The origin of financial crises : central banks, credit ~ Get this from a library! The origin of financial crises : central banks, credit bubbles and the efficient market fallacy. [George Cooper] -- In a series of disarmingly simple arguments financial market analyst George Cooper challenges the core principles of today's economic orthodoxy and explains how we have created an economy that is .
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The Origin of Financial Crises: Central banks, credit ~ 'The Origin of Financial Crises' provides a compelling analysis of the forces behind the recent economic crisis. In a series of disarmingly simple arguments George Cooper challenges the core principles of today's economic orthodoxy, explaining why financial markets do not obey the efficient market principles but are instead inherently unstable and habitually crisis prone.
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Financial crisis - Wikipedia ~ A financial crisis is any of a broad variety of situations in which some financial assets suddenly lose a large part of their nominal value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crises include stock market crashes and the bursting of .
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