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    Wijkman, A: Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries

    Beschreibung Wijkman, A: Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries. This powerful book shows us that we are in deep denial about the magnitude of the global environmental challenges and resource constraints facing the world. Despite growing scientific consensus on major environmental threats as well as resource depletion, societies are largely continuing with business as usual, at best attempting to tinker at the margins of the problems. The authors argue that regardless of whether governments respond to the economic crisis through additional stimulus packages or reduced government spending, environmental and resource constraints will remain. The crisis will be exacerbated by the combination of climate change, ecosystem decline and resource scarcity, in particular crude oil. The concept of Planetary Boundaries is introduced as a powerful explanation of the limits of the biosphere to sustain continued conventional growth.  The book breaks the long silence on population, criticizing donor countries for not doing enough to support the education of girls and reproductive health services. It is shown that an economy built on the continuous expansion of material consumption is not sustainable. De-growth, however, is no solution either. The growth dilemma can only be addressed through a transformation of the economic system. A strong plea is made for abandoning GDP growth as the key objective for development. The focus should instead be on a limited number of welfare indicators. The trickle-down concept is seriously questioned, to be replaced by one of sufficiency. Rich countries are called upon to hold back their material growth to leave room for a rising living standard among the poor. Alternative business models are presented, such as moving from products to services or towards a circular economy based on re-use, reconditioning and recylcing – all with the aim of facilitating sustainable development.A Report to the Club of Rome

    Buch Wijkman, A: Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries PDF ePub

    Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries - 1st ~ "Bankrupting Nature summarizes succinctly our human challenges, correctly focusing on re-designing today’s global financial casino. Ignored in most textbooks, finance is now a flywheel of social and environmental destruction while economists are still suffering 'theory-induced blindness'. The authors demonstrate conclusively that it is high time for humanity to grasp scientific realities and .

    Bankrupting nature: denying our planetary boundaries ~ Bankrupting nature: denying our planetary boundaries. Plane crash . Wijkman, A. and J. Rockström. (2012). Bankrupting nature: denying our planetary boundaries. Routledge. 224 pages. Topics and subtopics. Climate: Adaptation. Land: Ecosystems. This powerful book shows us that we are in deep denial about the magnitude of the global environmental challenges and resource constraints facing the .

    Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries ~ "Bankrupting Nature summarizes succinctly our human challenges, correctly focusing on re-designing today’s global financial casino. Ignored in most textbooks, finance is now a flywheel of social and environmental destruction while economists are still suffering 'theory-induced blindness'. The authors demonstrate conclusively that it is high time for humanity to grasp scientific realities and .

    Bankrupting Nature / Denying Our Planetary Boundaries ~ Bankrupting Nature. DOI link for Bankrupting Nature. Bankrupting Nature book. Denying Our Planetary Boundaries. Bankrupting Nature. DOI link for Bankrupting Nature. Bankrupting Nature book. Denying Our Planetary Boundaries . By Anders Wijkman, Johan Rockström. Edition 1st Edition . First Published 2012 . eBook Published 11 February 2013 . Pub. location London . Imprint Routledge . DOI https .

    Bankrupting Nature : Denying Our Planetary Boundaries By ~ [(Bankrupting Nature : Denying Our Planetary Boundaries)] [By (author) Anders Wijkman ] published on (December, 2012) / Anders Wijkman / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    Bankrupting Nature : Denying Our Planetary Boundaries ~ Get this from a library! Bankrupting Nature : Denying Our Planetary Boundaries.. [Anders Wijkman; Johan Rockström] -- This powerful book shows us that we are in deep denial about the magnitude of the global environmental challenges and resource constraints facing the world. Despite growing scientific consensus on .

    Wijkman, A: Bankrupting Nature: : Wijkman, Anders ~ Wijkman, A: Bankrupting Nature / Wijkman, Anders, Rockstrom, Johan / ISBN: 9780415539692 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    By Anders Wijkman: Bankrupting Nature Denying Our ~ Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries. Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries is written less for a popular audience than the non scientist policy wonk set, with copious references to other significant studies and reports (such as the Millennium Assessment) issued in the past two decades.

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    eBook: Bankrupting Nature - Wijkman, Anders; Rockström ~ Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries: Wijkman, Anders; Rockström, Johan - ISBN 2244022825441

    Bankrupting Nature – Anders Wijkman, Johan Rockström ~ Bankrupting Nature – Anders Wijkman, Johan Rockström / buch7 – Der soziale Buchhandel Bitte warten . Der soziale Buchhandel. Erweiterte Suche. Anmelden. Passwort vergessen? Noch kein Kundenkonto? Jetzt einfach anlegen, um Merklisten zu speichern und den Status Ihrer Bestellungen einzusehen. zurĂŒck Bankrupting Nature – Anders Wijkman, Johan Rockström. buch7 Spendenprojekte; Themen .