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    Rutherford, D: Routledge Dictionary of Economics

    Beschreibung Rutherford, D: Routledge Dictionary of Economics. The Routledge Dictionary of Economics, now in its third edition, provides the clearest, most authoritative definition of economic and financial terms available. The book is perfect for students and professionals interested in a broad range of disciplines including Business, Economics, Finance, and Accountancy and all additional subjects where a knowledge of these fields of essential.The dictionary has been updated to reflect the economic changes of the new Millennium including the emergence of experimental and behavioural economics, new political economy, the importance of institutions, globalization, environmental economics, financial crises and the economic emergence of China and India.It’s an international dictionary that includes succinctly explained A to Z entries and definitive explanations of the key terms, accompanied by a short bibliography and comprising supplementary online definitions. In a world where the reader is met with a barrage of conflicting and competing information, this book continues to provide a definitive guide to economics.

    Buch Rutherford, D: Routledge Dictionary of Economics PDF ePub

    Rutherford, D: Routledge Dictionary of Economics: ~ Rutherford, D: Routledge Dictionary of Economics / Rutherford, Donald / ISBN: 9780415600385 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Routledge Dictionary of Economics von Donald Rutherford ~ Routledge Dictionary of Economics von Donald Rutherford (ISBN 978-0-415-12291-7) / Alles versandkostenfrei bestellen - lehmanns

    Routledge Dictionary of Economics: : Rutherford ~ Routledge Dictionary of Economics / Rutherford, Donald, Rutherford, D. / ISBN: 9780415250900 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Routledge Dictionary of Economics von Donald Rutherford ~ Routledge Dictionary of Economics von Donald Rutherford (ISBN 978-0-415-60036-1) bestellen. Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns

    Routledge Dictionary of Economics - Donald Rutherford ~ Routledge Dictionary of Economics von Donald Rutherford - Englische Bücher zum Genre Lexika & Nachschlagewerke günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.

    Routledge Dictionary of Economics eBook by Donald ~ The Routledge Dictionary of Economics, now in its third edition, provides the clearest, most authoritative definition of economic and financial terms available. The book is perfect for students and professionals interested in a broad range of disciplines including Business, Economics, Finance, and Accountancy and all additional subjects where a knowledge of these fields of essential.

    Routledge Dictionary of Economics / Donald Rutherford ~ ;Routledge Dictionary of Economics КНИГИ ;НАУКА и УЧЕБА Автор:D. RutherfordНазвание: Routledge Dictionary of EconomicsГод: 2008 Формат: pdf Размер: 4Mb Для сайта: www.mirknigThe most informative dictionary of economics available, the Routledge Dictionary of Economics avoids the tendency to indulge in long-winded definitions of the major .

    Routledge Dictionary of Economics - 3rd Edition - Donald ~ The Routledge Dictionary of Economics, now in its third edition, provides the clearest, most authoritative definition of economic and financial terms available. The book is perfect for students and professionals interested in a broad range of disciplines including Business, Economics, Finance, and Accountancy and all additional subjects where a knowledge of these fields of essential. The .

    Dictionary of Economics - Oxford Reference ~ ‘strongly recommended as a handy work of reference … this book deserves to sell well to a wide audience’ Times Higher Education SupplementAn authoritative and comprehensive dictionary containing 2,500 key economic terms with clear, concise definitions. It covers all aspects of economics including economic theory, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labour economics, public .

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    The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics / Macmillan ~ The latest edition of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics includes entries on topical issues including gender and economics, recent economic crises in the European Union and beyond, health economics and the economics of the Internet.

    Гиффен, Роберт (экономист) — Википедия ~ From Aristotelian to Reaganomics: A Dictionary of Eponyms with Biographies in the Social Sciences. — Westport Connecticut, London : Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994. — С. 232. — 721 с. — ISBN 9780313279614. Donald Rutherford. Routledge Dictionary of Economics. — Taylor & Francis, 1995. — ISBN 9780415122917.

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