Beschreibung Ethics in Marketing: International Cases and Perspectives. Understanding and appreciating the ethical dilemmas associated with business is an important dimension of marketing strategy. Increasingly, matters of corporate social responsibility are part of marketing's domain.Ethics in Marketing contains 20 cases that deal with a variety of ethical issues such as questionable selling practices, exploitative advertising, counterfeiting, product safety, apparent bribery and channel conflict that companies face across the world. A hallmark of this book is its international dimension along with high-profile case studies that represent situations in European, North American, Chinese, Indian and South American companies. Well known multinationals like Caterpillar, Coca Cola, Cadbury and Facebook are featured. The two introductory chapters cover initial and advanced perspectives on ethical and socially responsible marketing, in order to provide students with the necessary theoretical foundation to engage in ethical reasoning. A decision-making model is also presented, for use in the case analyses.This unique case-book provides students with a global perspective on ethics in marketing and can be used in a free standing course on marketing ethics or marketing and society or it can be used as a supplement to the readings for other marketing classes.
Ethics in Marketing: International cases and perspectives ~ Ethics in Marketing: International cases and perspectives / Patrick E. Murphy, Gene R. Laczniak, Fiona Harris / ISBN: 9781138648081 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Ethics in Marketing: International cases and perspectives ~ Ethics in Marketing: International cases and perspectives - Kindle edition by Murphy, Patrick E., Laczniak, Gene R., Harris, Fiona, Laczniak, Gene R., Harris, Fiona. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Ethics in Marketing: International cases and perspectives.
Ethics in Marketing: International cases and perspectives ~ Ethics in Marketing contains 20 cases that deal with a variety of ethical issues such as questionable selling practices, exploitative advertising, counterfeiting, product safety, apparent bribery and channel conflict that companies face across the world. A hallmark of this book is its international dimension along with high-profile case studies that represent situations in European, North .
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Ethics in Marketing / Taylor & Francis Group ~ Ethics in Marketing contains 20 cases that deal with a variety of ethical issues such as questionable selling practices, exploitative advertising, counterfeiting, product safety, apparent bribery and channel conflict that companies face across the world. A hallmark of this book is its international dimension along with high-profile case studies that represent situations in European, North .
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Current Marketing Issues And How You Can Solve Them ~ Current marketing issues are mostly centered on the misuse of marketing strategies in any given business, especially when the issues in marketing today are not properly recognized leading to a problem - solution mismatch. With this in mind, identifying marketing problems and solutions can be your best shot to salvage your company in an ethical manner.
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