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    Business Planning and Control: Integrating Accounting, Strategy, and People

    Beschreibung Business Planning and Control: Integrating Accounting, Strategy, and People. Business Planning and Control: Integrating Strategy, Accounting and People starts with an introduction to core areas of management accounting and business planning. It explores relationships between strategy, management accounting information, and the design of control systems, taking into account the needs of both people and organizations. FEATURES:* Provides an integrative approach to business planning and control* Includes a specific focus on the design of planning and control systems* Considers key techniques of long-range business planning* Uses management accounting techniques for operational, managerial and strategic purposes* Provides case study information to form a thematic thread throughout the text. Business Planning and Control is an indispensable text for undergraduate students taking management accounting modules and for postgraduate students who need an understanding of the fundamentals of business planning. Practising managers will also find this book provides an alternative to many traditional management accounting and business planning texts.

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    Business Planning and Control: Integrating Accounting ~ Business Planning and Control: Integrating Accounting, Strategy and People starts with an introduction to core areas of management accounting and business planning. It then explores relationships between strategy, management accounting information, and the design of control systems, taking into account the needs of both people and organizations. Business Planning and Control is an indispensable text for both undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules related to management .

    Business planning and control: integrating accounting ~ T1 - Business planning and control: integrating accounting, strategy and people. AU - Bowhill, Bruce. PY - 2008. Y1 - 2008. N2 - This book starts with an introduction to the core areas of management accounting and business planning. It then explores relationships between strategy, management accounting information, and the design of control systems, taking into account the needs of both people and organizations. It is an indispensable text for both undergraduate and postgraduate students .

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