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    Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies (For Dummies Series)

    Beschreibung Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies (For Dummies Series). If you’re a small business owner, managing the financial affairs of your business can seem like a daunting task—and it’s one that far too many people muddle through rather than seek help. Now, there’s a tool-packed guide designed to help you manage your finances and run your business successfully!Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies explains step by step how to handle all your financial affairs, from preparing financial statements and managing cash flow to streamlining the accounting process, requesting bank loans, increasing profits, and much more. The bonus CD-ROM features handy reproducible forms, checklists, and templates—from a monthly expense summary to a cash flow statement—and provides how-to guidance that removes the guesswork in using each tool. You’ll discover how to:Plan a budget and forecastStreamline the accounting processImprove your profit and cash flowMake better decisions with a profit modelRaise capital and request loansInvest company money wiselyKeep your business solventChoose your legal entity for income taxAvoid common management pitfallsPut a market value on your businessComplete with ten rules for small business survival and a financial glossary, Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies is the fun and easy way® to get your finances in order, perk up your profits, and thrive long term!Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

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    Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies ~ Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies explains step by step how to handle all your financial affairs, from preparing financial statements and managing cash flow to streamlining the accounting process, requesting bank loans, increasing profits, and much more. The bonus CD-ROM features handy reproducible forms, checklists, and templates—from a monthly expense summary to a cash flow statement—and provides how-to guidance that removes the guesswork in using each tool. You’ll .

    Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies ~ Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies explains step by step how to handle all your financial affairs, from preparing financial statements and managing cash flow to streamlining the accounting process, requesting bank loans, increasing profits, and much more. The bonus CD-ROM features handy reproducible forms, checklists, and templates-from a monthly expense summary to a cash flow statement-and provides how-to guidance that removes the guesswork in using each tool. You'll .

    Buy Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies ~ Small Business Financial Management Kit For Dummies explains step by step how to handle all your financial affairs, from preparing financial statements and managing cash flow to streamlining the accounting process, requesting bank loans, increasing profits, and much more. The bonus CD-ROM features handy reproducible forms, checklists, and templates-from a monthly expense summary to a cash flow statement-and provides how-to guidance that removes the guesswork in using each tool .

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