Beschreibung The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated Lessons From Financial Cycles and Trends, Revised and Updated Edition (Fisher Investments Press). The Wall Street Waltz Introducing the new Fisher Investment SeriesComprised of engaging and informative titles written by renowned money manager and bestselling author Ken Fisher, this series offers essential insights into the worlds of investing and finance. "Any investor who fails to read and heed Ken Fisher's book will have only himself (or herself) to blame if he loses his shirt in the market. Using simple words and dramatic charts, Fisher packs a whole financial education into one neat package." James W. Michaels, Editor Emeritus and Group Vice President-Editorial, Forbes, Inc. "Ken's book vividly presents a complete picture of the stock market's history-a vital tool for the savvy investor." Charles R. Schwab, founder, Chairman, and CEO, The Charles Schwab Corporation "If a picture is worth a thousand words, then these charts could be worth your life savings." William E. Donoghue, Chairman, W. E. Donoghue Co., Inc. "Ken Fisher's clear, insightful analysis makes this a compelling book. For information and entertainment, this is a book to turn to again, and again, and again." David Dreman, founder, Chairman, and CIO, Dreman Value Management, LLCMehr lesenWeniger lesenP.when('DynamicIframe').execute(function(DynamicIframe){var BookDescriptionIframe = null,bookDescEncodedData = "The%20Wall%20Street%20Waltz%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3EIntroducing%20the%20new%20Fisher%20Investment%20SeriesComprised%20of%20engaging%20and%20informative%20titles%20written%20by%20renowned%20money%20manager%20and%20bestselling%20author%20Ken%20Fisher%2C%20this%20series%20offers%20essential%20insights%20into%20the%20worlds%20of%20investing%20and%20finance.%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3E%22Any%20investor%20who%20fails%20to%20read%20and%20heed%20Ken%20Fisher%27s%20book%20will%20have%20only%20himself%20%28or%20herself%29%20to%20blame%20if%20he%20loses%20his%20shirt%20in%20the%20market.%20Using%20simple%20words%20and%20dramatic%20charts%2C%20Fisher%20packs%20a%20whole%20financial%20education%20into%20one%20neat%20package.%22%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3EJames%20W.%20Michaels%2C%20Editor%20Emeritus%20and%20Group%20Vice%20President-Editorial%2C%20Forbes%2C%20Inc.%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3E%22Ken%27s%20book%20vividly%20presents%20a%20complete%20picture%20of%20the%20stock%20market%27s%20history-a%20vital%20tool%20for%20the%20savvy%20investor.%22%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3ECharles%20R.%20Schwab%2C%20founder%2C%20Chairman%2C%20and%20CEO%2C%20The%20Charles%20Schwab%20Corporation%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3E%22If%20a%20picture%20is%20worth%20a%20thousand%20words%2C%20then%20these%20charts%20could%20be%20worth%20your%20life%20savings.%22%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3EWilliam%20E.%20Donoghue%2C%20Chairman%2C%20W.%20E.%20Donoghue%20Co.%2C%20Inc.%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3E%22Ken%20Fisher%27s%20clear%2C%20insightful%20analysis%20makes%20this%20a%20compelling%20book.%20For%20information%20and%20entertainment%2C%20this%20is%20a%20book%20to%20turn%20to%20again%2C%20and%20again%2C%20and%20again.%22%3Cbr%3E%26nbsp%3B%3Cbr%3EDavid%20Dreman%2C%20founder%2C%20Chairman%2C%20and%20CIO%2C%20Dreman%20Value%20Management%2C%20LLC%3C%2Fp",bookDescriptionAvailableHeight,minBookDescriptionInitialHeight = 112,options = {},iframeId = "bookDesc_iframe";function resizeCallback() {P.guardFatal("bookDescription", function() {// Get the line-height of the iframevar iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId);var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument;if (false && iframeDocument && iframeDocument.defaultView) {// Set the height to the number of lines specifiedvar numLines = parseInt(0, 10);// Get the line-height of the iframevar iframeContent = iframeDocument.getElementById("iframeContent");// Compute the line heightvar lineHeight = iframeDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(iframeContent, null).getPropertyValue("line-height");// Parse the line heightlineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight);bookDescriptionAvailableHeight = Math.round(lineHeight * numLines);} else {var bdOffsetTop = document.getElementById("bookDescription_feature_div").offsetTop;var imageBlockOffsetTop = document.getElementById("booksImageBlock_feature_div").offsetTop;var imageBlockHeight = document.getElementById("booksImageBlock_feature_div").offsetHeight;bookDescriptionAvailableHeight = imageBlockOffsetTop + imageBlockHeight -bdOffsetTop - 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The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated ~ The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated Lessons From Financial Cycles and Trends (Fisher Investments Press Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: Fisher, Ken: : Kindle-Shop
The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated ~ The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated Lessons From Financial Cycles and Trends, Revised and Updated Edition (Fisher Investments Press) / Fisher, Kenneth L. / ISBN: 9780470139509 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated ~ The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated Lessons from Financial Cycles and Trends (Fisher Investments) / Fisher, Kenneth L. / ISBN: 9781119108177 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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