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    Why Women Mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of our next Economic Revolution

    Beschreibung Why Women Mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of our next Economic Revolution. Never before has there been such a confluence of international attention to the economic importance of women and the need for policies to enable them to fulfil their potential. The position of women - as employees, consumers and leaders - is seen as a measure of health, maturity and economic viability. Why Women Mean Business takes the economic arguments for change to the heart of the corporate world. This powerful new book analyses the opportunities available to companies that really understand what motivates women in the workplace and the marketplace. Find out how companies that learn to adapt to women will be better able to respond to the challenge of an ageing workforce and the demands of the next generation of knowledge workers. The authors compare policies and approaches in countries around the world, that offer surprising and envious results. The optimisation of women's talents will boost the bottom line. Taking action to achieve this will require sustained courage and conviction from today's corporate leaders. Reading Why Women Mean Business will be an important first step.

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    Why Women Mean Business Understanding the Emergence of our ~ Why Women Mean Business Understanding the Emergence of our next Economic Revolution Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, Alison Maitland Englische Bücher

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    Big Data: The Management Revolution - Harvard Business Review ~ Our statistical analysis tells us that what we’re seeing is not just a few flashy examples but a more fundamental transformation of the economy. We’ve become convinced that almost no sphere of .

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    American Economic Association ~ Why do women earn less than men? How can data help us understand the world? Why do we ignore information that could help us make better decisions? What causes recessions? Economics can help us answer these questions. Below, we’ve provided links to short articles that illustrate what economics is and how it connects to our everyday lives. Economics can be defined in a few different ways. It .