Beschreibung Essentials of Accounts Payable (Essentials Series). ESSENTIALS OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLEFull of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in accounts payable."A real-world approach, with great insights and practical wisdom on all aspects of the accounts payable process. Essentials of Accounts Payable provides accounts payable professionals with a framework for action in a rapidly changing environment."-Tom Nichols, Division Manager, Accounts Payable Operations, AT&T"Mary Schaeffer has combined her considerable knowledge of the accounts payable process with the learning and benchmark statistics from top companies to produce a world-class guide to the AP process. Without Mary Schaeffer, and IOMA, AP would still be a neglected financial process without any formal reading to explain the complexities of a process that most companies think is simply paying the bills. This book is a must-read for anyone working in, directing, or managing AP operations, both seasoned professionals and those new to the process."-Linda Sawyer Sisko, Programs Manager, Cisco Systems, Inc."This book does an excellent job of explaining the often complicated basics of the accounts payable functions. It provides a quick snapshot for busy executives who need to know how an accounts payable department should run. It is an excellent update for those executives who need to keep up to date on numerous issues that affect this rapidly evolving profession."-Adrienne Glasgow, Chief Financial Officer, American Red Cross in Greater New YorkThe Wiley Essentials Series-because the business world is always changing...and so should you.
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Essentials of Accounts Payable - Mary S. Schaeffer ~ ESSENTIALS OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in accounts payable. "A real-world approach, with great insights and practical wisdom on all aspects of the accounts payable process.
Essentials of Accounts Payable / Wiley ~ ESSENTIALS OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in accounts payable. A real-world approach, with great insights and practical wisdom on all aspects of the accounts payable process.
Essentials of Accounts Payable (Essentials Series Book 38 ~ Essentials of Accounts Payable (Essentials Series Book 38) - Kindle edition by Schaeffer, Mary S.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Essentials of Accounts Payable (Essentials Series Book 38).
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Essentials of Accounts Payable: Mary S. Schaeffer ~ essentials of accounts payable Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in accounts payable.
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F L Y A M T E ~ Other books in this series include: Essentials of Accounts Payable,Mary S.Schaeffer Essentials of Capacity Management,Reginald Tomas Yu-Lee Essentials of Cash Flow,H.A.Schaeffer,Jr. Essentials of Corporate Performance Measurement,George T. Friedlob,Lydia L.F.Schleifer,and Franklin J.Plewa,Jr. Essentials of Cost Management,Joe and Catherine Stenzel Essentials of CRM:A Guide to Customer .
Essentials of Accounts Payable by Mary S. Ludwig Schaeffer ~ ESSENTIALS OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in accounts payable. "A real-world approach, with great insights and practical wisdom on all aspects of the accou
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(Discount Off) Essentials of Accounts Payable (Essentials ~ Essentials of Accounts Payable (Essentials Series) Detail Book Author : Mary Schaeffer Pages : 288 pages Publisher : Wiley 2002-01-11 Language : English ISBN-10 : 0471203084 ISBN-13 : 9780471203087
Essentials of Accounts Payable ISBN 9780471203087 PDF epub ~ Essentials of Accounts Payable provides accounts payable professionals with a framework for action in a rapidly changing environment." -Tom Nichols, Division Manager, Accounts Payable Operations, AT&T "Mary Schaeffer has combined her considerable knowledge of the accounts payable process with the learning and benchmark statistics from top companies to produce a world-class guide to the AP .
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Essentials of Accounts Payable by Mary S. Schaeffer ~ Essentials of Accounts Payable provides accounts payable professionals with a framework for action in a rapidly changing environment."-Tom Nichols, Division Manager, Accounts Payable Operations, AT&T "Mary Schaeffer has combined her considerable knowledge of the accounts payable process with the learning and benchmark statistics from top companies to produce a world-class guide to the AP .
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