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    The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets (Wiley Trading)

    Beschreibung The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets (Wiley Trading). "The one, only, and by far the best book synthesizing psychology and investing. In addition to providing modern, scientific knowledge about psychology, this book provides a mirror into the mind and wide breadth of knowledge of one of the leading practitioners of brief and effectual cures. Will help to cure your trading and your life." -Victor Niederhoffer, Chief Speculator, Manchester InvestmentsAuthor, The Education of a Speculator and Practical Speculation"How refreshing! A book that rises above the old NLP model of the 80's and provides insights on how our relationship with the market is indeed a very personal one. Not only has Steenbarger provided some fantastic tools for the trader to transform his mindset, but he has contributed unique trading ideas as well. Brilliant!"-Linda Raschke, President, LBRGroup, Inc."'Investigate, before you invest' was for many years the slogan of the New York Stock Exchange. I always thought a better one would be, 'Investigate YOURSELF, before you invest.' The Psychology of Trading should help you increase your annual investment rate of return. Mandatory reading for anyone intending to earn a livelihood through trading. "-Yale Hirsch, The Hirsch Organization Inc., Editor, The Stock Trader's Almanac"This highly readable, highly educational, and highly entertaining book will teach you as much about yourself as about trading. It's Oliver Sacks meets Mr. Market-extraordinary tales of ordinary professionals and individuals with investment disorders, and how they successfully overcame them. It is a must-read both for private investors who have been shell-shocked in the bear market and want to learn how to start again, as well as for pros who seek an extra edge from extra inner knowledge. Steenbarger's personal voyage into the mind of the market is destined to become a classic."-Jon Markman, Managing Editor, CNBC on MSN Money Author, Online Investing and Swing Trading"Dr. Steenbarger's fascinating, highly readable blend of practical insights from his dual careers as a brilliant psychologist and trader will benefit every investor; knowing oneself is as important as knowing the market."-Laurel Kenner, CNBC.com Columnist, Author, Practical Speculation

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    (PDF) The Psychology of Trading. Tools and Techniques for ~ The Psychology of Trading. Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets. Wiley Trading

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    The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for ~ The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets - Ebook written by Brett N. Steenbarger. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets.

    The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for ~ The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets (Wiley Trading Book 368) Author(s): Brett N. Steenbarger. Date: Format: azw3 Language: English ISBN/ASIN: 0471267619 Pages: OCR: Quality: ISBN13: Uploader: Upload Date: 2/15/2019 12:16:39 PM Description: "The one, only, and by far the best book synthesizing psychology and investing. In addition to providing modern .

    The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques - Wiley ~ Wiley Trading. Wiley Trading. About Contact Newsletter . Print this page Share. Home / Trading Psychology / Books. E-book. The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets. Brett N. Steenbarger. ISBN: 978-0-471-42023-1. 352 pages . January 2004. Description "The one, only, and by far the best book synthesizing psychology and investing. In addition to providing modern .

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