Beschreibung Lasting Change: The Shared Values Process That Make Companies Great. "Rob Lebow and William Simon are on the money. Lasting Change is the only way to go and it can only happen through shared values. Lasting Change is just great-a must read!"- Ken Blanchard, Chairman and CEO, Blanchard Training & Development, Inc. and coauthor of The One Minute Manager."Don't miss this book! You'll come away with some extraordinary insights into how great companies make the Shared Values Process an essential principle of their strategy."- John Sculley, principal, Sculley Brothers and former CEO, Apple Computer."The concepts and examples are extraordinary. Lebow's Shared Values Process will prove to you that the tired old prescription of 'fixing people' is flawed. To improve performance, you must change the 'context.' This formula will work for any organization that wants lasting change!" -Paul Horgen, President and CEO, IBM Mid-America Employees Federal Credit Union."Today's leaders will need shared values simply to meet the challenges ahead. The next generation will demand those shared values. Lasting Change offers inspired yet practical advice for those who seek to build organizations guided by a moral compass." - Dick Capen, author of Finishing Strong/Living the Values That Take You the Distance, former U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Publisher of the Miami Herald."The book is well written, straightforward, and no-nonsense. It holds your attention. It is a book I will certainly require in the MBA courses I teach." - Four-star general Warren D. Johnson, USAF (Ret.), Adjunct Professor, Wake Forest University."Lasting Change is packed full of the stuff that makes great people and great companies-a well-packaged postgraduate education that is sure to have a lasting impact on those who have the good fortune to read it. It's a must read for entry-level neophytes and seasoned CEOs."- Harold Burson, Chairman, Burson-Marsteller."A great collection of anecdotes and experiences that will help a manager develop into a leader.The book has a lot of information and is well written." -Philip Crosby, CEO of Philip Crosby Associates II, Inc., author of Quality Is Free and The Absolutes of Leadership.
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Secrets of successful change implementation / McKinsey ~ Great implementers also create the right buzz around change by engaging the broader organization. They recognize that few employees have any interest in their employer’s share price, let alone its return on equity. Rather than spamming everyone with generic communications materials, leaders instead methodically cascade a compelling change story through the entire business. It’s a difficult .
Council Post: 15 Best Ways To Build A Company Culture That ~ This shared connection requires companies to be intentional about how information is disseminated. The strongest cultures are highly effective in properly communicating news, changes, goals, and .
The Comprehensive Business Case for Sustainability ~ In the largest study on climate change data and corporations, 8,000 supplier companies (that sell to 75 multinationals) reported on their level of climate risk. Of the respondents, 72% said that .
How Exceptional Companies Create High Performance Cultures ~ To make that happen, you, as a leader, must be willing to take a hard look in the mirror with your colleagues, dig deep into what needs to change, and help your entire organization let go of the .
8 Steps for an Effective Change Management Process ~ It is typically created during the planning stage of a Change Management Process. Here is a great resource for an overview of effective change models, methodologies, and frameworks. You’ll find theories such as the McKinsey’s change management framework, John Kotter’s change management model, the Prosci ADKAR process, and the Deming Cycle. Kotter's Chanfe Model ADKAR Model Deming Cycle 8 .
Building Your Company’s Vision - Harvard Business Review ~ Instead of changing its core values, a great company will change its markets—seek out different customers—in order to remain true to its core values. 2. Core purpose is an organization’s .
6 Steps For Successfully Bringing Change To Your Company ~ Be prepared to share early wins and proof that the change is making a positive difference. If the change does not positively impact results–or people don’t know how to measure success–it .
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The psychology of change management / McKinsey ~ An international energy company, for example, had tried for years to make "people development" a core value and discipline. It was succeeding only among the few managers who already believed that they should serve as coaches and counselors. Many managers saw themselves as bosses rather than teachers. To get the 1,000 most senior managers to adopt a "coaching" mind-set (and some other positive .
Change Management Process - Prosci ~ The change management process is the sequence of steps or activities that a change management team or project leader follow to apply change management to a change in order to drive individual transitions and ensure the project meets its intended outcomes. The below elements have been identified from research as key elements of a successful change management process.
Step-By-Step Guide to Business Process Mapping - Tallyfy ~ Processes are at the heart of the way every business operates, and the greater understanding of what they are, how they function and what impact they have, the better you'll manage your business. This is where Business Process Mapping comes in. Visualizing the processes helps you get a better understanding of how your business functions, as well as your strengths and weaknesses.
Change Management: 3 Reasons Why Training Supports ~ Why Training Is Essential In The Change Management Process . A recent study showed that only 40% of corporate employees knew about their company’s goals, strategies, and tactics. This business information is only the tip of a large iceberg; other important details such as perceptions, beliefs, values, and shared assumptions might lie beneath the waterline, meaning employees have even less .
Core Values - The behaviors that define your culture ~ Make AnswerLab a great place to work" Those are great, but they're hard to remember. You can do the usual things that companies do to keep their values visible. You can put them on plaques that .
Code of Business Ethics / Accenture - Let there be change ~ Our shared commitment to operating with the highest ethical standards and making a positive difference in everything we do is what makes Accenture special. In today’s environment, we go beyond mere compliance; we innovate with integrity by using our understanding of technology and its impact on people to develop inclusive, responsible and sustainable solutions to complex business and .
Company Core Values: Why Have Them? - 7Geese ~ Core values help companies in the decision-making processes. For example, if one of your core values is to stand behind the quality of your products, any products not reaching the satisfactory standard are automatically eliminated. Core values educate clients and potential customers about what the company is about and clarify the identity of the company. Especially in this competitive world .
Where work happens / Slack ~ Slack ist eine neue Art der Kommunikation mit deinem Team. Es ist schneller, besser organisiert und sicherer als E-Mail.
Processing ~ Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology. There are tens of thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who use Processing for learning and prototyping.
6 Steps to Effective Organizational Change Management ~ Measure the change process. Throughout the change management process, a structure should be put in place to measure the business impact of the changes and ensure that continued reinforcement opportunities exist to build proficiencies. You should also evaluate your change management plan to determine its effectiveness and document any lessons .
Wireless Technology & Innovation / Mobile - Qualcomm ~ Qualcomm invents breakthrough technologies that transform how the world connects, computes and communicates. When we connected the phone to the Internet, the mobile revolution was born. Today, as we unlock 5G, we’re applying our mobile expertise to transform industries, create jobs, and enrich lives.
Shared Services Handbook Hit the road - Deloitte US ~ Up to this point, a great deal of work has been done creating ‘on paper processes’ that are efficient in a test environment. Going live, however, will be the acid test. This phase is about making sure your solution actually works, the business is in a ready state to transition and that the migration itself is managed and controlled. You’ll need to decide whether to go for a ‘big bang .
How to Make Values Live in Your Organization ~ Values clarification exercises are, at best, an opportunity to share them, not change them." If you want your investment in this workplace values identification and alignment process to make a difference in your organization, the leadership, and individual follow-up is critical.
7 Ways Data Analytics Can Boost Your Business Growth / Inc ~ As our customers change the way they shop, it is our focus to use big data to change the site to create an experience that is on the forefront of online shopping.
3 Ways To Create Value That Lasts - Fast Company ~ Value is what makes someone decide to take out her wallet and hand you her money, because she’s going to get something she wants–something in which she finds compelling value.