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    The Frankenstein Syndrome: Ethical and Social Issues in the Genetic Engineering of Animals (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy)

    Beschreibung The Frankenstein Syndrome: Ethical and Social Issues in the Genetic Engineering of Animals (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy). This book is a philosophically sophisticated and scientifically well-informed discussion of the moral and social issues raised by genetically engineering animals, a powerful technology which has major implications for society. Unlike other books on this emotionally charged subject, the author attempts to inform, not inflame, the reader about the real problems society must address in order to manage this technology. Bernard Rollin is both a professor of philosophy, and physiology and biophysics, and writes from a uniquely well-informed perspective on this topic. The style is non-technical and anecdotal and will ensure that the book can be used on a wide range of courses on bioethics, biotechnology, veterinary medicine and public policy. The book could also appeal to a general, non-academic reader with a serious interest in genetic engineering.

    Buch The Frankenstein Syndrome: Ethical and Social Issues in the Genetic Engineering of Animals (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) PDF ePub

    ��' [Book] The Frankenstein Syndrome Ethical And ~ ��' [Book] The Frankenstein Syndrome Ethical And Social Issues In The Genetic Engineering Of Animals Cambridge Studies In Philosophy And Public Policy Author: ��old.ijm Subject

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    e rollin - AbeBooks ~ The Frankenstein Syndrome : Ethical and Social Issues in the Genetic Engineering of Animals (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy) Bernard E. Rollin. Edité par Cambridge University Press (1995) ISBN 10 : 0521478073 ISBN 13 : 9780521478076. Ancien ou d'occasion. Quantité disponible : 2. Vendeur : Better World Books Ltd (Dunfermline, Royaume-Uni) Evaluation du vendeur : Ajouter au .

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