Beschreibung Automobile Politics: Ecology and Cultural Political Economy. The car, and the range of social and political institutions which sustain its dominance, play an important role in many of the environmental problems faced by contemporary society. But in order to understand the possibilities for moving towards sustainability and 'greening cars', it is first necessary to understand the political forces that have made cars so dominant. This book identifies these forces as a combination of political economy and cultural politics. From the early twentieth century, the car became central to the organization of capitalism and deeply embedded in individual identities, providing people with a source of value and meaning but in a way which was broadly consistent with social imperatives for mobility. Projects for sustainability to reduce the environmental impacts of cars are therefore constrained by these forces but must deal with them in order to shape and achieve their goals.
Ecology and Cultural Political Economy - ~ Ecology and Cultural Political Economy . MATTHEW PATERSON . I . I. \ CAMBRIDGE . d.-(Jl)1::~ UNIVERSITY PRESS . I . I . 1 . 90 Automobile Politics importantly) that they produce and depend on a history of the rise of the car in these individualist terms which simply bears very little relation to the historical record. As the authors' ideological underpinning of the backlash against anti car .
Automobile Politics Ecology And Cultural Political Economy ~ Automobile Politics Ecology And Cultural Political Economy. Free Download Ebook Automobile Politics Ecology And Cultural Political Economy at here.
Automobile Politics: Ecology and Cultural Political ~ This book identifies these forces as a combination of political economy and cultural politics. From the early twentieth century, the car became central to the organization of capitalism and deeply embedded in individual identities, providing people with a source of value and meaning but in a way which was broadly consistent with social imperatives for mobility. Projects for sustainability to reduce the environmental impacts of cars are therefore constrained by these forces but must deal with .
Book Review of Matthew Paterson's Automobile Politics ~ Book Review of Matthew Paterson's Automobile Politics: Ecology and Cultural Political Economy
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Cultural Political Economy - Google Books ~ His most recent book is Automobile Politics: Ecology and Cultural Political Economy (Cambridge, 2007), and his current work focuses on the emergence of "climate capitalism." He has significant editing experience. He has co-edited two volumes (Direct Action in British Environmentalism, 2000, with Brian Doherty and Benjamin Seel, and Against Automobility, 2006, with Steffen Böhm, Campbell Jones .
Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture ~ Cite this chapter as: Held D., McGrew A., Goldblatt D., Perraton J. (2000) Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. In: Pierson C., Tormey S. (eds .
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