Beschreibung The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law (Cambridge Companions to Law). We can only claim to understand another legal system when we know the context surrounding the positive law in which lawyers are trained. To avoid ethnocentricity and superficiality, we must go beyond judicial decisions, doctrinal writings and the black-letter law of codes and statutes and probe the 'deeper structures' where law meets cultural, political, socio-economic factors. It is only when we acquire such awareness and knowledge of the critical factors affecting both the backgrounds and implications of rules that it becomes possible to control the present and possibly future developments of the world's legal institutions. This collection of essays aims to provide the reader with a fundamental understanding of the dynamic relationship between the law and its cultural, political and socio-economic context.
The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law edited by Mauro ~ Cambridge Core - Comparative Law - The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law - edited by Mauro Bussani Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites.
The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law by Mauro ~ The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law - Ebook written by Mauro Bussani, Ugo Mattei. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law.
The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Constitutional Law ~ This Cambridge Companion presents readers with a succinct yet wide-ranging companion to a modern comparative constitutional law course, offering a wide-ranging yet concise introduction to the subject. Its twenty-two chapters are arranged into five thematic parts: starting with an exploration of the 'theoretical foundations' (Part I) and some important 'historical experiences' (Part II), it .
The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law ~ The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law We can only claim to understand another legal system when we know the cultural and social context that surrounds the positive law in which lawyers are trained. To avoid ethnocentricity and superïŹciality, we must go beyond judicial decisions, doctrinal writings, and the black-letter law of codes and statutes, and probe the âdeeper structures .
The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Family Law edited ~ The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Family Law highlights the key questions and themes that have faced family lawyers across the world. Each chapter is written by internationally renowned academic experts and focuses on which of these themes are most significant to their jurisdictions. In taking this jurisdictional approach, the collection will explore how different countries have tackled .
The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Constitutional Law ~ 'This Cambridge Companion to Comparative Constitutional Law stands out for its in-depth pursuit of well-selected themes. It offers the scholar and student an authoritative account of the theoretical foundations and historical foundations of global constitutionalism, as well as its core principles, institutions and dynamics.' Adrienne Stone .
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Cambridge Companions to Law ~ The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Family Law highlights the key questions and themes that have faced family lawyers across the world. Each chapter is written by internationally renowned academic experts and focuses on which of these themes are most significant to their jurisdictions. In taking this jurisdictional approach, the collection will explore how different countries have tackled .
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Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law ~ Download Citation / Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law / Comparative law means different things to different people, and each of these meanings can, in and of itself, be scientifically .
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Reinhard Zimmermann â Wikipedia ~ Comparative Foundations of a European Law of Set-Off and Prescription, Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-521-81461-8. Mixed Legal Systems in Comparative Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-927100-3 (herausgegeben gemeinsam mit Daniel Visser und Kenneth Reid).
Alessandro Schiesaro â Wikipedia ~ The Cambridge companion to Ovid. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 2002, ISBN 0-521-77528-0 (eingeschrĂ€nkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche [abgerufen am 15. September 2010]). Virgil in Bloomsbury, in: Proceedings of the Virgil Society 24, 2001, 31â47.