Beschreibung The Cultural Logic of Computation. Advocates of computers make sweeping claims for their inherently transformative power: new and different from previous technologies, they are sure to resolve many of our existing social problems, and perhaps even to cause a positive political revolution. In The Cultural Logic of Computation, David Golumbia, who worked as a software designer for more than ten years, confronts this orthodoxy, arguing instead that computers are cultural all the way downthat there is no part of the apparent technological transformation that is not shaped by historical and cultural processes, or that escapes existing cultural politics. From the perspective of transnational corporations and governments, computers benefit existing power much more fully than they provide means to distribute or contest it. Despite this, our thinking about computers has developed into a nearly invisible ideology Golumbia dubs computationalisman ideology that informs our thinking not just about computers, but about economic and social trends as sweeping as globalization. Driven by a programmers knowledge of computers as well as by a deep engagement with contemporary literary and cultural studies and poststructuralist theory, The Cultural Logic of Computation provides a needed corrective to the uncritical enthusiasm for computers common today in many parts of our culture.
Contents : The Cultural Logic of Computation ~ eBook (PDF) ISBN 978-0-674-05388-5. RRP. US$ 73.00 / € [D] 65.50 / GBP 58.95 * *Prices in US$ apply to orders placed in the Americas only. Prices in GBP apply to orders placed in Great Britain only. Prices in € represent the retail prices valid in Germany (unless otherwise indicated). Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include postage and handling if applicable .
The Cultural Logic of Computation - Walter de Gruyter ~ eBook (PDF) ISBN 978-0-674-05388-5. RRP. US$ 51.00 / € [D] 46.00 / GBP 37.95 * Link to print edition *Prices in US$ apply to orders placed in the Americas only. Prices in GBP apply to orders placed in Great Britain only. Prices in € represent the retail prices valid in Germany (unless otherwise indicated). Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include postage and .
The Cultural Logic of Computation - Kindle edition by ~ “The Cultural Logic of Computation is a fascinating and wise book. It takes us with great care through the history of the computational imagination and logic, from Hobbes and Leibniz to blogging and corporate practice. Its range includes the philosophy of computation, the ideology of the digital revolution, the important areas of children's education and education in general and glimpses of brilliant literary insight. Required reading for the responsible citizen.”
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swissbib : The cultural logic of computation / David ~ The cultural logic of computat. Standorte & bestellen; Exportieren nach EndNote/Citavi; Exportieren nach EndNoteWeb; Exportieren nach BibTeX; Exportieren nach RefWorks; Exportieren nach MARCXML; The cultural logic of computation. Gespeichert in: Verfasser / Beitragende: David Golumbia. Ort, Verlag, Jahr: Cambridge, Mass : Harvard University Press, 2009. Beschreibung: 1 online resource (257 p .
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: Customer reviews: The Cultural Logic of ~ This sort of guilt by association is typical of The Cultural Logic of Computation. Much of the the book focuses on political issues that don't bear on "computation" in the least, such as a tired attack on Thomas Friedman and globalization that adds nothing new to Friedman's already-long rap sheet. Golumbia spends ten pages criticizing real-time strategy games like Age of Empires, complaining .
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