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    Kuhn, D: The Age of Confucian Rule (History of Imperial China)

    Beschreibung Kuhn, D: The Age of Confucian Rule (History of Imperial China). Just over a thousand years ago, the Song dynasty emerged as the most advanced civilization on earth. Within two centuries, China was home to nearly half of all humankind. In this concise history, we learn why the inventiveness of this era has been favorably compared with the European Renaissance, which in many ways the Song transformation surpassed.With the chaotic dissolution of the Tang dynasty, the old aristocratic families vanished. A new class of scholar-officials—products of a meritocratic examination system—took up the task of reshaping Chinese tradition by adapting the precepts of Confucianism to a rapidly changing world. Through fiscal reforms, these elites liberalized the economy, eased the tax burden, and put paper money into circulation. Their redesigned capitals buzzed with traders, while the education system offered advancement to talented men of modest means. Their rationalist approach led to inventions in printing, shipbuilding, weaving, ceramics manufacture, mining, and agriculture. With a realist’s eye, they studied the natural world and applied their observations in art and science. And with the souls of diplomats, they chose peace over war with the aggressors on their borders. Yet persistent military threats from these nomadic tribes—which the Chinese scorned as their cultural inferiors—redefined China’s understanding of its place in the world and solidified a sense of what it meant to be Chinese. The Age of Confucian Rule is an essential introduction to this transformative era. “A scholar should congratulate himself that he has been born in such a time” (Zhao Ruyu, 1194).

    Buch Kuhn, D: The Age of Confucian Rule (History of Imperial China) PDF ePub

    Kuhn, D: The Age of Confucian Rule History of Imperial ~ Dieter Kuhn's 'Age of Confucian Rule' is number 4 of 6 volumes in Harvard's recent History of Imperial China series. The series is available as a nicely made set of illustrated books (if you prefer your reading in analog) or in electronic versions (mysteriously stripped of their illustrations). That is all except for this volume, which has no e-book equivalent, for reasons unknown. Kuhn is .

    Dieter Kuhn. The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song ~ First, the Song period for Kuhn constitutes nothing less than “the most decisive rupture in the history in imperial China” (p. 1). He often contrasts the Song with the Tang, doing so with particular effectiveness in the discussion on dynastic capitals. Where twilight curfews, announced with 800 drumbeats, restricted residents of Tang-era Chang'an to their walled wards (p. 190), the .

    The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China ~ The Age of Confucian Rule book. Read 11 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Just over a thousand years ago, the Song dynasty emerged .

    Download The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song ~ The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China (History of Imperial China) book download Dieter Kuhn and Timothy Brook Download The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China (History of Imperial China) Alibris has The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China. The Age.

    Ebook The Age Of Confucian Rule PDF ~ The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China - History of Imperial China. Added to basket. Add to Basket Click & Collect. View basket Checkout. zur Veröffentlichung des Werkes The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China von Prof. Dr. Dieter Kuhn (Institut für. Imperial China is born! - The Qin and Han Dynasty l .

    History of Imperial China / Harvard University Press ~ In the first of a six-volume series on the history of imperial China, . The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China. Kuhn, Dieter. Just over a thousand years ago, the Song dynasty emerged as the most advanced civilization on earth. Within two centuries, China was home to nearly half of all humankind. This book is an essential introduction to this transformative era. 5. The .

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    History of China - Wikipedia ~ History of China; ANCIENT: Neolithic c. 8500 – c. 2070 BC : Xia c. 2070 – c. 1600 BC : Shang c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC : Zhou c. 1046 – 256 BC Western Zhou Eastern Zhou Spring and Autumn Warring States IMPERIAL: Qin 221–207 BC : Han 202 BC – 220 AD Western Han Xin Eastern Han Three Kingdoms 220–280 Wei, Shu and Wu Jin 266–420 Western Jin

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    Song-Dynastie – Wikipedia ~ Dieter Kuhn: The Age of Confucian Rule. The Song Transformation of China. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) 2009. Dieter Kuhn: Die Song-Dynastie, 960 bis 1279: Eine neue Gesellschaft im Spiegel ihrer Kultur. Acta Humaniora, Weinheim 1987, ISBN 3-527-17562-8. Die Sung-Zeit: Das bürokratische China (10.–13. Jahrhundert). In: Herbert Franke, Rolf Trauzettel: Das .

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    Kaiserreich China – Wikipedia ~ History of Imperial China. 6 Bde. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) Mark Lewis: The Early Chinese Empires. 2007. Mark Lewis: China between Empires. The Northern and Southern Dynasties. 2009. Mark Lewis: China’s Cosmopolitan Empire. The Tang Dynasty. 2009. Dieter Kuhn: The Age of Confucian Rule.