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    Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform

    Beschreibung Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform. As the preeminent international development agency for the past sixty years, the World Bank has attracted equal amounts of criticism and praise. Critics are especially quick to decry the World Bank's hypocrisy--the pervasive gaps between the organization's talk, decisions, and actions. In the wake of the Paul Wolfowitz leadership scandal in May 2006, perceptions of hypocrisy have exacted a heavy toll on the Bank's authority and fueled strong demands for wide-scale reform. Yet what exactly does the hypocrisy of the World Bank look like, and what or who causes it? In Hypocrisy Trap, Catherine Weaver explores how the characteristics of change in a complex international organization make hypocrisy difficult to resolve, especially after its exposure becomes a critical threat to the organization's legitimacy and survival. Using a rich sociological model and several years of field research, Weaver delves into the political and cultural worlds within and outside of the Bank to uncover the tensions that incite and perpetuate organized hypocrisy. She examines the sources and dynamics of hypocrisy in the critical cases of the Bank's governance and anticorruption agenda, and its recent Strategic Compact reorganization. The first book to unravel the puzzle of organized hypocrisy in relation to reform at the World Bank, Hypocrisy Trap ultimately enriches our understanding of culture, behavior, and change in international organizations.

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    Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform ~ "Hypocrisy Trap provides a fresh look at a long-standing problem: Why do international organizations such as the World Bank so often say one thing but do another? Weaver combines an impressive array of interviews and secondary sources with organizational sociology to show why there is a trap and why it is not easy to avoid or escape. The resulting analysis will be of interest to scholars .

    Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform ~ The hypocrisy of an organization is, at heart, the gaps between its talk, decisions, and actions.Âč In the case of the World Bank, hypocrisy reflects the conflicts between what the Bank as a collective actor says—its espoused goals, ideals, and policies—and what the Bank does. Organizational hypocrisy is a “disjuncture between word and deed, or between publicly-accepted norms and .

    Hypocrisy Trap / Princeton University Press ~ "Hypocrisy Trap provides a fresh look at a long-standing problem: Why do international organizations such as the World Bank so often say one thing but do another? Weaver combines an impressive array of interviews and secondary sources with organizational sociology to show why there is a trap and why it is not easy to avoid or escape. The resulting analysis will be of interest to scholars .

    Catherine Weaver. 2008. Hypocrisy trap: The World Bank and ~ Hypocrisy trap: The World Bank and the poverty of reform (Princeton: Princeton University Press) Paul Nelson 1 The Review of International Organizations volume 4, pages 325 – 328 (2009)Cite this article. 309 Accesses. 1 Citations. Metrics details. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Access options Buy single article. Instant access to the full article PDF. US .

    Hypocrisy Trap : the World Bank and the Poverty of Reform ~ Get this from a library! Hypocrisy Trap : the World Bank and the Poverty of Reform. [Catherine Weaver] -- As the preeminent international development agency for the past sixty years, the World Bank has attracted equal amounts of criticism and praise. Critics are especially quick to decry the World Bank's .

    Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform ~ Download Citation / On Jul 1, 2012, SALVATORE SCHIAVO‐CAMPO and others published Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform – By Catherine Weaver / Find, read and cite all the .

    Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform ~ "Hypocrisy Trap provides a fresh look at a long-standing problem: Why do international organizations such as the World Bank so often say one thing but do another? Weaver combines an impressive array of interviews and secondary sources with organizational sociology to show why there is a trap and why it is not easy to avoid or escape. The resulting analysis will be of interest to scholars .

    Project MUSE - Hypocrisy Trap ~ Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform. In this Book. Additional Information. Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform ; Catherine Weaver 2008; Book; Published by: Princeton University Press; View View Citation; contents. summary. As the preeminent international development agency for the past sixty years, the World Bank has attracted equal amounts of .

    Hypocrisy Trap The World Bank And The Poverty Of Reform [EPUB] ~ hypocrisy trap the world bank and the poverty of reform Sep 11, 2020 Posted By Norman Bridwell Publishing TEXT ID a55735ed Online PDF Ebook Epub Library of reform kindle edition by weaver catherine download it once and read it on your kindle device pc phones or tablets use features like bookmarks note taking and

    Hypocrisy Trap The World Bank And The Poverty Of Reform [PDF] ~ hypocrisy trap the world bank and the poverty of reform Sep 13, 2020 . menu search browse resources authors librarians editors societies weaver hypocrisy trap 2008 buch 978 0 691 13434 5 bucher schnell und portofrei hypocrisy trap the world bank and the poverty of reform by catherine weaver article in governance 253 july 2012 with 20 reads how we measure reads hypocrisy trap the world bank .

    Catherine Weaver. 2008. Hypocrisy trap: The World Bank and ~ Catherine Weaver. 2008. Hypocrisy trap: The World Bank and the poverty of reform (Princeton: Princeton University Press)

    Catherine Weaver. 2008. Hypocrisy trap: The World Bank and ~ Request PDF / On Sep 1, 2009, Paul Nelson published Catherine Weaver. 2008. Hypocrisy trap: The World Bank and the poverty of reform (Princeton: Princeton University Press) / Find, read and cite .

    Trump's nominee for World Bank president tramples over ~ She is the author of “Hypocrisy Trap: the World Bank and the Poverty of Reform.” Today’s Headlines The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every .

    Seeing Like the World Bank on Poverty: New Political ~ In Owning Development: Creating Global Development Norms in the IMF and the World Bank, Edited by: Park, S. and Vetterlein, A. 70 – 89. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Google Scholar], 2008 Weaver, C. 2008. Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

    Women, Business and the Law 2019 : A Decade of Reform ~ The World Bank Group’s Women, Business and the Law examines laws and regulations affecting women’s prospects as entrepreneurs and employees across 187 economies. Its goal is to inform policy discussions on how to remove legal restrictions on women and promote research on how to improve women’s economic inclusion. Women, Business and the Law 2019: A Decade of Reform introduces a new index .

    The World Bank, contradictory lending, and forests: A ~ This article draws on the theory of organized hypocrisy to test the hypothesis that World Bank lending in different sectors has contradictory impacts on forests. The authors use ordinary least squa.

    BĂŒcher portofrei bestellen bei bĂŒcher ~ bĂŒcher: ĂŒber 15 Mio. Artikel Versandkostenfrei online bestellen Kein Mindestbestellwert Bequem per Rechnung bezahlen!

    World Bank - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ The World Bank is an international bank that lends money and other help to developing nations for infrastructure.The World Bank has the goal of reducing poverty.. The World Bank is different from the World Bank Group, because the World Bank is made up of only two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA).

    Catherine E. Weaver The University of Texas at Austin ~ Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ~Co-recipient of the Chadwick Alger Prize for best book on International Organizations and Multilateralism, International Studies Association, 2009. (Co-recipient with Benjamin Schiff) ~Winner of the Society of Policy Scientists 2009 Harold D. Lasswell Prize. 2 Catherine Weaver and Nicola .

    Climate business for poverty reduction? The role of the ~ The World Bank is increasingly active in the area of climate change mitigation. While it justifies this engagement with its poverty reduction objective and its capacity to pave the way for new business activities in developing countries, critics blame the World Bank as a “climate profiteer” and as an unfair competitor in private markets.