Beschreibung Niche Down: How To Become Legendary By Being Different. #1 Amazon bestseller for entrepreneurs, small business owners and "solo-preneurs".“Be known for a niche that you own. This is a powerful idea. One that transforms how people think about their lives, careers and business ventures.” -- Hal Elrod, author of the best-seller, The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your LifeDo you have the courage to stand out? From the inventor of cubism Pablo Picasso to Spanx founder Sarah Blakely, the people we admire most in the world are original, unique, different. They take risks, claim new ground. They do not fit in, they stand out.And they do not compete for attention in the traditional sense.Most of us are tricked into believing that achieving personal and professional success means fitting in. What it really takes is the courage to stand out. Are you ready?In this dynamic, direct and succinct book, Lochhead and Clancy describe a research-based approach to thinking about your life and business called “category design.”Through a narrative stuffed with inspiring stories, they examine how legendary people — especially legendary entrepreneurs — introduce the world to new ways of thinking and solving problems. They reveal how to exploit the exponential value of what makes you different vs. the incremental value of what makes you better. And they show how to conquer a market category that you design, becoming its de facto queen or king.After reading this ground-taking book, you’ll gain the insights required to become known for a niche that you own.
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Legend - definition of legend by The Free Dictionary ~ leg·end (lÄjâČÉnd) n. 1. a. An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical. b. A body or collection of such stories. c. See urban legend. 2. One that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame: She is a legend in her own time. 3. a. An inscription or title on an object, such as a coin. b. An .
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