Beschreibung The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook. Professionals, consultants, and coaches! Build a powerful six-month marketing plan to sustain your success with the Get Clients Now!™ system. The One-Person Marketing Plan™ Workbook gives you a clear focus for all your marketing efforts, tells you exactly what to do and when to do it, helps you budget your time and money wisely, and creates consistency in your marketing. This workbook will teach you how to create a marketing plan that fits any budget, where to spend your effort for the best results, what mix of business types will meet your revenue goals, and how to choose the right tools and tactics for your situation. The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook is based on C.J. Hayden's popular Get Clients Now! system. It's recommended as the "next step" after Get Clients Now! because it answers several questions the Get Clients Now! book doesn't address: How much marketing will it take to reach your sales and revenue goals? How much time and money can you afford to spend on marketing? How can you market for more than one line of business at the same time? How can you build a business model that supports your financial goals? Readers of Get Clients Now! will value The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook as a companion workbook or a more advanced sequel. For new readers, The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook can also stand alone.
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The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook: Hayden, C.J ~ The One-Person Marketing Plan™ Workbook gives you a clear focus for all your marketing efforts, tells you exactly what to do and when to do it, helps you budget your time and money wisely, and creates consistency in your marketing. This workbook will teach you how to create a marketing plan that fits any budget, where to spend your effort for the best results, what mix of business types will .
The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook / Get Clients Now! ~ THE ONE-PERSON MARKETING PLAN™ WORKBOOK for Professionals, Consultants & Coaches by C.J. Hayden, MCC, CPCC Third Edition. Are you ready for the next step after GET CLIENTS NOW?With The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook, you can create a six-month marketing plan to sustain your success.In this newly revised 3rd edition, the workbook provides a step-by-step system for building a marketing .
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Der Marketingplan: Zielsetzung entwickeln /Strategische ~ Das Workbook ist sehr verständlich und klar geschrieben. Es werden einem sofort neue Ansätze und Strategien vermittelt die man auch recht schnell umsetzten kann. Für jemand der sich schon mehr mit Marketing auseinander gesetzt hat ist leider nicht viel Neues dabei, dafür aber viele Informationen ansehnlich aufgearbeitet und verständlich dargestellt. Für Einsteiger würde ich es jedoch .
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