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    Portfolio Management For New Products: Second Edition

    Beschreibung Portfolio Management For New Products: Second Edition. In today's business climate, where speed-to-market is paramount and there's no margin for error, companies who fail to excel at new products stand no chance of survival. Companies who live and die by their products need better tools for linking product development to strategy to ensure that resources are deployed efficiently from idea to launch across the full range of products. In Portfolio Management for New Products , the authors present a rigorous and practical approach to managing a company's product portfolio as you would a financial portfolio -- investing for maximum long-term growth. With its field-tested, step-by-step framework, the book provides corporations and managers with the methods and strategies they need to assess and realign their current R&D divisions, determine which products are most worthy of resource allocation, design and implement a portfolio management process, maximize the value of their product portfolios, create balanced portfolios, and recognize and solve challenges as they arise. Portfolio Management for New Products , is an essential resource for any company whose profitability, and very existence, relies on the products it chooses to develop and the speed with which it brings those products to market. This book clarifies the decision-making process, demystifies R&D, and puts corporations on track to understanding and developing the strategies necessary to succeed in the highly competitive and volatile world of product development.

    Buch Portfolio Management For New Products: Second Edition PDF ePub

    (PDF) Portfolio Management for New Products ~ PDF / On Jan 1, 2001, Cooper and others published Portfolio Management for New Products / Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

    Portfolio Management for New Products, 2nd Edition ~ Portfolio Management for New Products presents a rigorous and practical approach to managing a company’s new product development portfolio. This book is the result of years of pioneering research by Dr. Cooper, Dr. Edgett and Dr. Kleinschmidt. It is full of practical, real company, examples combined with the authors’ analysis of the various approaches. It illustrates the subtle, but .

    Portfolio Management For New Products: Second Edition ~ Product Innovators win in the long run by optimizing their R&D investments with a new product strategy, selecting the right new product projects and achieving an ideal balance of projects. Portfolio Management for New Products helps you understand how winning companies manage their R&D portfolios. Learn how to steer your company's R&D investment to achieve a higher return.

    Portfolio Management For New Products: Second Edition ~ Portfolio Management For New Products . Second Edition. Robert G. Cooper, Scott J. Edgett, Elko J. Kleinschmidt. Hardcover. List Price: 44.00* * Individual store prices may vary. Description . In today's business climate, where speed-to-market is paramount and there's no margin for error, companies who fail to excel at new products stand no chance of survival. Companies who live and die by .

    Portfolio Management for New Products 2nd edition ~ Buy Portfolio Management for New Products 2nd edition (9780738205144) by Robert G. Cooper, Scott J. Edgett and Elko J. Kleinschmidt for up to 90% off at Textbooks.

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