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    The Great Realisation: The Post-Pandemic Poem That Has Captured the Hearts of Millions

    Beschreibung The Great Realisation: The Post-Pandemic Poem That Has Captured the Hearts of Millions. We now call it The Great Realisation and, yes, since then there have been many. But that's the story of how it started ... and why hindsight's 2020. First performed online in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Tomos Roberts' heartfelt poem, with its message of hope and resilience, has been viewed over 60 million times and translated into over 20 languages. Adapted by Ashley Banjo and Diversity into a breathtaking dance performance on Britain's Got Talent! 'It's a beautiful book and beautifully illustrated. We've been flicking through it all morning and I've read it several times to my children' - Kate Garraway, Good Morning Britain Written in the form of a bedtime story, The Great Realisation is a celebration of the many things - from simple acts of kindness, to applauding the heroic efforts of our key workers - that have brought us together at a time of global crisis. It has captured, with magical resonance, the thoughts and feelings of millions in lockdown, as we adapt to a new way of life, find joy in unexpected places, cast aside old habits and reflect on what truly matters to us. The Great Realisation is a story for any reader, young or old, who dares to dream of a brighter future - of a fairer, kinder, more sustainable world. It is a timely reminder that, even during our most challenging moments, there is always hope. 'This fairytale-style story provides a springboard for discussion of current events with children, and presents a more optimistic view of the future in a time where the outlook often seems bleak' - School Library Journal, US

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    ᐅᐅGreat books - Schnell shoppen & sparen! ~ The Great Realisation: The Post-Pandemic Poem That Has Captured the Hearts of Millions Honnou Motto Midaretai: Great Manga Book for Adolescent and Adults (English Edition) SELBSTLIEBE: „Du bist wundervoll, so wie du bist!“

    The Great Realisation: The post-pandemic poem that has ~ The Great Realisation: The post-pandemic poem that has captured the hearts of millions. by Tomos Roberts (Tomfoolery) Thanks for Sharing! You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

    Great books: Jetzt ansehen ~ The Great Realisation: The Post-Pandemic Poem That Has Captured the Hearts of Millions Honnou Motto Midaretai: Great Manga Book for Adolescent and Adults (English Edition) SELBSTLIEBE: „Du bist wundervoll, so wie du bist!“

    Great books 👉 Hier gibt es die beliebtesten AusfĂŒhrungen ~ The Great Realisation: The Post-Pandemic Poem That Has Captured the Hearts of Millions Honnou Motto Midaretai: Great Manga Book for Adolescent and Adults (English Edition) SELBSTLIEBE: „Du bist wundervoll, so wie du bist!“

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