Beschreibung Images of Organization. `Morgan... has given us both a retrospect on the development of views of organizations, and a prospect on how organizations and their development may be viewed now and in the future. To help the reader, Morgan provides, in the final chapter, the evidence and theory base for his views.... a powerful stimulus for critical examination of organizations, their development and structural management. Educational psychologists with an interest in the influence of organizations... and not already familiar with it, will find this book very accessible and helpful in formulating views of how their current `pet' organization might be viewed' - Educational Psychology in Practice Images of Organization has already established itself as a classic that has influenced management thinking throughout the world. This New Edition takes Gareth Morgan's achievement one step further, providing a rich and comprehensive resource for exploring the complexity of modern organizations. In this monumental work, leading-edge theory is translated into leading-edge practice. The New Edition carefully preserves the qualities and strengths of the original, while delivering new insights on today's managerial challenges. Morgan shows managers how to view their organizations by using his renowned creative images and metaphors. In a sequence of path-breaking chapters, he demonstrates how to mobilize the insights of different metaphors: to manage and design organizations in new ways; to develop novel understandings of the relationships between organization and environment; to create learning organizations with the intelligence of a living brain; to explore the intricacies of corporate culture and politics of organizational life; to understand the unconscious dimensions of organization; to translate the implications of the new science of chaos and complexity into practical management strategies; and to confront and deal with the negative impacts that organizations often have on society and the natural world. No other management book covers so much ground while developing the implications for management with such force.
Images of organization : Gareth Morgan : Free Download ~ Images of organization by Gareth Morgan. Publication date 1997 Topics Organization., Organizational behavior., Management. Publisher Berrett-Koehler Publishers Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2011-12-15 16:01:29 Boxid IA175101 Camera Canon .
Images of Organization - Morgan, Gareth - : Bücher ~ Images of Organization / Morgan, Gareth / ISBN: 8601200540642 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Images of Organization - Gareth Morgan - Google Books ~ This pioneering work is based on a simple premise with profound implications- All organization and management theories are based on images, or metaphors, with paradoxical effects- they can create profound insights but also great distortions. With this seminal work, Gareth Morgan shows how managers can broaden and deepen their understanding of organization and organizational problems, and use .
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Images of organization (1986 edition) / Open Library ~ Images of organization This edition published in 1986 by Sage Publications in Beverly Hills. Edition Notes Bibliography: p. 385-409. Includes index. Classifications Dewey Decimal Class 658.4 Library of Congress HD31 .M628 1986, HD31.M628 1986 ID Numbers Open Library OL2713763M Internet Archive imagesoforganiza1986morg ISBN 10 0803928300, 0803928319 LC Control Number 86006663 Library Thing .
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Images of Organization by Morgan, Gareth (ebook) ~ Images of Organization by Gareth Morgan. Since its first publication over twenty years ago, Images of Organization has become a classic in the canon of management literature. The book is based on a very simple premise—that all theories of organization and management are based on implicit images or metaphors that stretch our imagination in a way that can create powerful insights, but at the .
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