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    Methods for Development Work and Research: A New Guide for Practitioners

    Beschreibung Methods for Development Work and Research: A New Guide for Practitioners. Praise for the First Edition:  "It is a guide of vital importance to researchers, trainers and extension workers, especially those collaborating with communities in developing countries."- European Journal of Development Research "There is much of value here that even experienced development workers might learn from…. Mikkelsen offers many insights that would be valuable to any economist undertaking field work in development."- The Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics "An enthusiastic, vibrant supplement to methodology texts…. The formulation is concise, comprehensive, yet substantial."- Business Line "Development researchers will be grateful to Mikkelsen for her laudable job in competently assessing their needs…. She provides an overview of the traditional and the new techniques and tools for field study."- Deccan HeraldThis completely revised version of the successful 1995 text covers a wide range of issues relating to research concepts and methods. It incorporates new lessons that have been learned regarding the merits and pitfalls of development work.Reflecting on how and why research in international development work has become a special case within the social sciences, this book provides innovative examples of participatory methods in action; methodological guidance on linking research purpose, questions and methods in qualitative and quantitative research; highlights new methods for development work and research like the Rights-based Approach, Appreciative Inquiry, the Social Capital Analysis Tool and Geomatics; emphasizes the gender perspective in development work; and discusses ethics, regulations and codes of conduct, as well as the question of encounters with `other` cultures.

    Buch Methods for Development Work and Research: A New Guide for Practitioners PDF ePub

    Methods for Development Work and Research : A New Guide ~ Methods For Development Work And Research : A New Guide For Practitioners, Paperback by Mikkelsen, Britha, ISBN 076193328X, ISBN-13 9780761933281, Brand New, Free shipping in the US an indispensable, down-to-earth, richly illustrated guide to a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods for research and practice in development settings.

    PARTICIPATORY METHODS TOOLKIT A practitioner’s manual ~ the challenging world of participation as well as on thatof the experienced practitioner,who uses this manual for specific sections,such as tips and tricks,or to getacquainted with other methods. The formatis practical:this is a publication thatyou can putin a binder,splitup into smaller parts,or photocopy.

    Qualitative Research - SAGE Publications Inc ~ Applied research can, and often does, generate new knowledge and contrib-ute to theory, but its primary focus is on collecting and generating data to further our understanding of real-world problems. It is through this lens that this book is written, with the intent of providing researchers with practical procedures and tools to collect and manage qualitative data in a rigorous and transparent .

    Eurachem Guides ~ Eurachem guides are developed by the various working groups, often in collaboration with other organisations. Eurachem Members are free to translate guides into their own language, so many guides are available in several languages. All Guides are currently available free of charge from the Eurachem Website. Many are additionally available in hard copy, either from the Secretariat or from other .

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    What is Action Research? - SAGE Publications Inc ~ practitioners working with medical school tutors, or members within a healthcare clinic. The users of healthcare services can often be included in an action research study; as such they are not researched on as is the case in much of traditional research. This may also involve several healthcare practitioners working together within a geographical area. Multidisciplinary teams can often be .

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    Journal of Microbiological Methods - Elsevier ~ Heliyon Microbiology aims to make it easier for authors to share their research with a global audience quickly and easily, while benefitting from the subject-area expertise of specialized section editors, who ensure your work is considered fairly and reaches the right audience. Authors can quickly and easily transfer their research from a Partner Journal to Heliyon without the need to edit .

    Research Methodology - Explorable ~ Research methodology involves the researcher providing an alternative hypothesis, a . A significance test may even drive the research process in a whole new direction, based on the findings. The t-test (also called the Student's T-Test) is one of many statistical significance tests, which compares two supposedly equal sets of data to see if they really are alike or not. The t-test helps the .

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    Social Science Research - Journal - Elsevier ~ Social Science Research publishes papers devoted to quantitative social science research and methodology. The journal features articles that illustrate the use of quantitative methods to empirically test social science theory. The journal emphasizes research concerned with issues or methods that cut across traditional disciplinary lines. Special attention is given to methods that have been .

    Action Research Guide - Alberta Teachers' Association ~ The Action Research Guide for Alberta Teachersis intended to assist classroom teachers and school administrators in the development, implementation and publishing of an action research project. Action research is a strategy educators can use to study educational issues, implement change and document professional growth. The idea for this publication came from a model school project on .

    Health Policy and Systems Research - WHO / World Health ~ Health policy and systems research: a methodology reader / edited by Lucy Gilson. 1.Health policy. 2.Health services research. 3.Delivery of health care. 4.Research. 5.Review literature. I.Gilson, Lucy. II.Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. III.World Health Organization. ISBN 978 92 4 150313 6 (NLM classification: W 84.3)

    RESEARCH - kpi.ua ~ Improving your research methodology Broadening your knowledge base in your research area Enabling you to contextualise your findings. How to review the literature Searching for the existing literature Reviewing the selected literature Developing a theoretical framework Developing a conceptual framework Writing about the literature reviewed Summary 4 Formulating a research problem The research .

    International development - Wikipedia ~ International development or global development is a broad concept denoting the idea that societies and countries have differing levels of "development" on an international scale. It is the basis for international classifications such as developed country, developing country and least developed country, and for a field of practice and research that in various ways engages with international .

    Development studies - Wikipedia ~ Development studies is an interdisciplinary branch of social science.Development studies is offered as a specialized master's degree in a number of reputed universities across the world, such as the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Graduate Institute Geneva, SOAS London, and University of Warwick, and less commonly, as an undergraduate degree, such as at the University of Toronto.

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    Co-design: A Powerful Force for Creativity and ~ Co-design practitioners aim to become design process guides or facilitators. We leverage our expertise of design and research, but don’t let our own ambitions or ideas drive the outcomes. While .

    Work Study and Industrial Engineering ~ Work study uses techniques like method study and work measurement to understand human work potential in terms of time spend on completing a task, looking at ways to make the task simpler and easy, as to increase productivity and efficiency. Work study is field used to finding ways of increasing on job performance, optimum usage of plant and machinery, standardization of work methods, etc .