Beschreibung Creative Management (Published in Association with The Open University). Praise for the First Edition: `The book is an accessible source of key writings and it will be of interest to practising managers and students of organizational behaviour' - The Occupational Psychologist `Fascinating reading and very relevant to managing change and the needs of the decades ahead' - Long Range Planning `Excellent collection of articles examining the nature of creativity and how it relates to various management issues from a wide variety of perspectives. Especially noteworthy are the contributions from Gareth Morgan (author of Images of Organization), Michael McCaskey and Peter Drucker. Recommended for anyone with an interest in problem solving, organizational development and change' - Changes Bookshop News `The major strength of this collection is the variety of perspectives it brings out in one's understanding of creative processes. The selection of articles and their sequencing makes reading through the book an enjoyable experience.... one can easily recommend this book to students, scholars and senior executives.... practitioners of creativity (eg value-engineers, research scientists, media executives, etc), may find it useful to gain insight into the nature of the processes which they practice' - Management and Labour Studies `An excellent tour of this fascinating world' - Headlines This latest edition of Creative Management has been completely rewritten to further explore the roots of creative perception and judgement at work. Jane Henry has brought together key readings from distinguished international contributors which consider: creativity; organizational psychodynamics; social capital and knowledge management. The contributors to this textbook are some of the most distinguished names in the field and give a clear overview of the topics discussed whilst explaining their practical implications. Published as a Course Reader for The Open University Course Creativity, Innovation and Change (B822).
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