Beschreibung Emotional Intelligence at Work: The Untapped Edge for Success. Access an Untapped Source of SuccessAt long last, a book directed to the working world that acknowledges and demonstrates how managing our emotions and dealing with the feelings of others increases the bottom line. Practical, practical, practical!--Rita McGlone, assistant director of executive education, The Wharton School of BusinessExperts now acknowledge that emotional intelligence (EI) is perhaps the most crucial determinant of success in the workplace. And unlike IQ or other traditional measures of intelligence, EI can be developed and dramatically increased. This unprecedented book demonstrates how to master the core competencies of EI, abilities that include self-motivation, high self-awareness, mood management, and emotional mentoring. In addition, it includes scores of real-world examples and dozens of practical exercises that accelerate the process, along with step-by-step approaches to mastering a variety of EI techniques.
Emotional intelligence at work : the untapped edge for ~ A book directed to the working world that acknowledges and demonstrates how managing our emotions and dealing with the feelings of others increases the bottom line. Experts now acknowledge that emotional intelligence (EI) is perhaps the most crucial determinant of success in the workplace. And unlike IQ or other traditional measures of intelligence, EI can be developed and dramatically .
Emotional Intelligence at Work: The Untapped Edge for ~ Simply put, emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to make your emotions work for you by using them in ways that produce the results you want. And the good news is that, unlike IQ and other traditional measures of intelligence, EI can be developed and dramatically increased.Based on an extensive body of research and the author's years of experience in the field, Emotional Intelligence at .
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