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    Contemporary Issues In Leadership: Second Edition

    Beschreibung Contemporary Issues In Leadership: Second Edition. The sixth edition of this popular anthology continues its interdisciplinary approach to the topic of leadership. Reviewing hundreds of articles published since the fifth edition, William Rosenbach and Robert Taylor collected new, quality essays describing components of leadership such as vision, values, culture, development, and outcomes. This new material, combined with classic essays from prior editions, forms a collection of work that clearly illustrates the contradictions and paradoxes of leadership from historical to contemporary perspectives and global to individual considerations. The interdisciplinary approach to presentations of cutting-edge research and applications of leadership set this book apart from other collections. Contemporary issues are updated to reflect the best thinking of our time. Without confusing leadership with management, the book clarifies the role of gender in leadership effectiveness, reemphasizes followership as an integral component of leadership, and presents parts and chapters in a practical order. With classic selections retained and nine new essays added, Contemporary Issues in Leadership, Sixth Edition presents a renewed framework for understanding leaders and leadership from a contemporary perspective.

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    Contemporary Issues in Leadership - 2nd Edition - William ~ 2nd Edition Contemporary Issues in Leadership By William E. Rosenbach, Robert L. Taylor, . Contemporary Issues in Leadership. ISBN / Quantity: Shopping Cart Summary. Items: View Cart. Continue Shopping. What are VitalSource eBooks? × Close. Routledge & CRC Press eBooks are available through VitalSource. The free VitalSource Bookshelf® application allows you to access to your eBooks .

    Contemporary Issues in Leadership 2nd Edition - ~ Contemporary Issues in Leadership 2nd Edition by William E. Rosenbach (Author), Robert L. Taylor (Author), Mark A. Youndt (Author) & 0 more 4.5 out of 5 stars 17 ratings

    Contemporary Issues In Leadership: Second Edition ~ Dr. Taylor is a member of the Academy of Management and the Society of Sigma Xi. He has co-edited three books: Leadership: Challenges for Today's Manager, Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence (4th edition), and Contemporary Issues in Leadership (5th edition). Dr. Taylor travels extensively, giving presentations on leadership and values.

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    Contemporary Issues in Leadership 2nd edition ~ Contemporary Issues in Leadership 2nd Edition by William E. Rosenbach and Publisher Routledge. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780429973635, 0429973632. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780367319687, 0367319683.

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