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    The Postcolonial and the Global

    Beschreibung The Postcolonial and the Global. This interdisciplinary work brings the humanities and social sciences into dialogue by examining issues such as globalized capital, discourses of antiterrorism, and identity politics. Essayists from the fields of postcolonial studies and globalization theory address the ethical and pragmatic ramifications of opposing interpretations of these issues and, for the first time, seek common ground. Contributors: Pal Ahluwalia, U of California, San Diego; Arjun Appadurai, New School U; Geoffrey Bowker, Santa Clara U; Timothy Brennan, U of Minnesota; Ruth Buchanan, U of British Columbia; Verity Burgmann, U of Melbourne; Pheng Cheah, U of California, Berkeley; Inderpal Grewal, U of California, Irvine; Ramon Grosfoguel, U of California, Berkeley; Barbara Harlow, U of Texas, Austin; Anouar Majid, U of New England; John McMurtry, U of Guelph; Walter D. Mignolo, Duke U; Sundhya Pahuja, U of Melbourne; R. Radhakrishnan, U of California, Irvine; Ileana Rodriguez, Ohio State U; E. San Juan, Philippine Forum, New York; Saskia Sassen, U of Chicago; Ella Shohat, New York U; Leslie Sklair, London School of Economics; Robert Stam, New York U; Madina Tlostanova, Russian Peoples’ Friendship U; Harish Trivedi, U of Delhi. Revathi Krishnaswamy is associate professor of English at San Jose State University. John C. Hawley is professor and chair of English at Santa Clara University.

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    The Postcolonial and the Global — University of Minnesota ~ Connects postcolonial and global discourses in the humanities and social sciences Connects postcolonial and global discourses in the humanities and social sciences. Contributors: Pal Ahluwalia, Arjun Appadurai, Geoffrey Bowker, Timothy Brennan, Ruth Buchanan, Verity Burgmann, Pheng Cheah, Inderpal Grewal, Ramón Grosfoguel, Barbara Harlow, Anouar Majid, John McMurtry, Walter D. Mignolo .

    The Postcolonial and the Global on JSTOR ~ It is now commonplace to speak of a global culture, the global village as well as the speed and spread of globalization processes that are gripping the world. Globalization is not an entirely new phenomenon. Nevertheless, new information, communication, transport, and manufacturing technologies, as well as trade regimes, effected through such multilateral organizations as the GATT and tariff .

    The Postcolonial and the Global - Kindle edition by ~ The Postcolonial and the Global - Kindle edition by Krishnaswamy, Revathi, Hawley, John C.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Postcolonial and the Global.

    Postcolonial Literatures in English - An Introduction ~ The term ‘postcolonial literatures in English’ designates English-language literatures from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania, as well as the literatures of diasporic communities who have moved from those regions to the global north. This volume introduces the central themes of postcolonial

    The Postcolonial and the Global: Krishnaswamy, Revathi ~ The Postcolonial and the Global Paperback – November 29, 2007 by Revathi Krishnaswamy (Editor), John C. Hawley (Editor) 5.0 out of 5 stars 2 ratings

    Dipesh Chakrabarty and the Global South: Subaltern Studies ~ Now, Chakrabarty holds the singular distinction of making key contributions to some of the most salient shifts in understandings of the Global South that have come about in wake of subaltern studies and postcolonial perspectives, critiques of Eurocentrism together with elaborations of public pasts, and articulations of climatic histories alongside problems of the Anthropocene. Rather than .

    The Postcolonial World / Taylor & Francis Group ~ The Postcolonial World presents an overview of the field and extends critical debate in exciting new directions. It provides an important and timely reappraisal of postcolonialism as an aesthetic, political, and historical movement, and of postcolonial studies as a multidisciplinary, transcultural field. Essays map the terrain of the postcolonial as a global phenomenon at the intersection of .

    Education for Sustainable Development in the Postcolonial ~ Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) lies at the heart of global, regional and national policy agendas, with the goal of achieving socially and environmentally just development through the provision of inclusive, equitable quality education for all. Realising this potential on the African continent, however, calls for radical transformation of policy and practice. Developing a .

    Neuere Kolonialgeschichte und Postcolonial Studies ~ Explizit postkoloniale Untersuchungen und Themen wie z.B. die Analyse transkultureller und hybrider Formen in Sprachen und Kulturen findet man dagegen vor allem in der Anglistik, weiteren Literaturwissenschaften und den Kulturwissenschaften. Nur selten versuchen Projekte und Studien, diese Gräben zu überbrücken.

    Postkolonialismus – Wikipedia ~ Postkolonialismus ist eine geistige Strömung, die sich seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts in Auseinandersetzung mit der Geschichte des Kolonialismus und Imperialismus entwickelte. Sie wird dem Poststrukturalismus zugerechnet und beschreibt ein „dialektisches Konzept“, das zum einen die Dekolonialisierung und politische Souveränität der ehemaligen Kolonien gegenüber ihren Kolonialmächten .

    The Postcolonial Question: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild ~ eBook Shop: The Postcolonial Question von Lidia Curti als Download. Jetzt eBook herunterladen & bequem mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen.

    Postcolonial Theories Buch von versandkostenfrei bestellen ~ Bücher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Postcolonial Theories von Jenni Ramone versandkostenfrei online kaufen bei Weltbild, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten!

    Postkolonialismus - Lexikon der Geographie ~ Postkolonialismus, eine der kulturtheoretischen und künstlerischen Diskussion entstammende antiimperialistische Bewegung und Denkrichtung, die gegen den vorherrschenden Ethno- und Eurozentrismus gerichtet ist. Der Postkolonialismus steht in Zusammenhang mit anderen kritischen Diskursen, insbesondere des Poststrukturalismus, des Dekonstruktivismus und des Feminismus.

    Postcolonialism / Wiley Online Books ~ This seminal work—now available in a 15 th anniversary edition with a new preface—is a thorough introduction to the historical and theoretical origins of postcolonial theory.. Provides a clearly written and wide-ranging account of postcolonialism, empire, imperialism, and colonialism, written by one of the leading scholars on the topic

    Schlüsselwerke der Postcolonial Studies / Julia Reuter ~ Sofortiger eBook Download nach Kauf und auf allen Endgeräten nutzbar; Mengenrabatt verfügbar; Hardcover 54,99 € Preis für Deutschland (Brutto) Hardcover kaufen ISBN 978-3-531-17577-5; Kostenfreier Versand für Individualkunden weltweit. Bitte beachten Sie, dass folgende Coronavirus Versandbeschränkungen bestehen; Dieser Preis gilt nur für Endkunden. Institutionelle Kunden sollten sich .

    Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction: ~ Young argues that while postcolonial critique challenges established, eurocentric knowledge in the cultural sphere, it must continue to work in the spirit of the anticolonial movements by further developing its radical political edge to enforce social justice on a global basis. This is a stimulating introduction for those new to postcolonial theory, while offering more advanced readers a fresh .

    Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction: Second ~ Published twenty years ago, Leela Gandhi s Postcolonial Theory was a landmark description of the field of postcolonial studies in theoretical terms that set its intellectual context alongside poststructuralism, postmodernism, Marxism, and feminism. Gandhi examined the contributions of major thinkers such as Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, Homi Bhabha, and the subaltern historians.

    The Postcolonial World ~ The Postcolonial World presents an overview of the field and extends critical debate in exciting new directions. It provides an important and timely reappraisal of postcolonialism as an aesthetic, political, and historical movement, and of postcolonial studies as a multidisciplinary, transcultural field. Essays map the terrain of the postcolonial as a global phenomenon at the intersection of .

    Postcolonialism (eBook, PDF) von Robert Jc Young ~ Bitte loggen Sie sich zunächst in Ihr Kundenkonto ein oder registrieren Sie sich bei bücher, um das eBook-Abo tolino select nutzen zu können. This seminal work--now available in a 15th anniversary edition with a new preface--is a thorough introduction to the historical and theoretical origins of postcolonial theory.

    Postcolonialism - Wikipedia ~ Postcolonialism is the critical academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands.More specifically, it is a critical-theory analysis of the history, culture, literature, and discourse of (usually European) imperial power.

    Concepts of Home and Belonging in Postcolonial Literature ~ One very common concept found in postcolonial literature is the concept of 'Diaspora Identity'. In "Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies" by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin the following definition of diaspora can be found: "Diasporas, the voluntary or forcible movement of peoples from their homelands into new regions, is a central historical fact of colonization.

    [PDF] the postcolonial city and its subjects eBook ~ Download The Postcolonial City And Its Subjects books, This book considers twentieth and twenty-first century literary and cultural formations of the postcolonial city and the constitution of new subjects within it. Varma offers a reading of both historical and contemporary debates on urbanism through the filter of postcolonial fictions and the cultural fields surrounding and containing them .

    A Critique Of Postcolonial Reason PDF Download Full – Get ~ A Critique of Postcolonial Reason This ebook list for those who looking for to read A Critique of Postcolonial Reason, you can read or download in PDF, ePub or Mobi. May some of ebooks not available on your country and only available for those who subscribe and depend to the source of library websites.

    [PDF] gayatri spivak deconstruction and the ethics of ~ Download Gayatri Spivak Deconstruction And The Ethics Of Postcolonial Literary Interpretation books, How does Spivak approach the signs the madwoman in the attic, the good black servant, the monster and the wholly Other ? What is the basis of Spivak s ethics of interpretation and what are her main tools? Gayatri Spivak: Deconstruction and the Ethics of Postcolonial Literary Interpretation is .