Beschreibung World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Por People. The World Development Report 2004 investigates how countries can accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by making services work for poor people. Success in reaching the MDGs will depend not just on faster economic growth and the flow of sources, but on our ability to translate those resources into basic services, especially in health, education, water, and sanitation. Too often, the delivery of services falls far short of what could be achieved, due to issues such as weak incentives for performance, corruption, imperfect monitoring, and administrative logjams. Some countries have addressed the problem by involving poor people in service delivery; the results have been impressive. Giving parents input into their children's education, patients a say over hospital management, and making agency budgets transparent all contribute to improving outcomes in human development. Celebrating the successful innovations-while taking a hard look at some of the failures-this Report offers guidance to policymakers, donors, and citizens on improving the delivery of basic services. It serves to deepen understanding and highlight the importance of empowering and investing in poor people.
World Development Report 2004 : Making Services Work for ~ The World Development Report provides a practical framework for making the services that contribute to human development work for poor people. With this framework, citizens, governments, and donors can take action and accelerate progress toward the common objective of poverty reduction, as specified in the Millennium Development Goals.
Weltentwicklungsbericht â Wikipedia ~ Der Weltentwicklungsbericht (World Development Report) ist ein seit 1978 jĂ€hrlich veröffentlichter Bericht der Weltbank, . Making Services Work For Poor People (2004) Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World (2003) Building Institutions for Markets (2002) Attacking Poverty (2000/2001) Entering the 21st Century (1999/2000) Knowledge for Development (1998/1999) Weitere zentrale Weltbank .
WDR Reports - International Development, Poverty ~ The World Development Report 2019 studies how the nature of work is changing as a result of advances in technology today. Fears that robots will take away jobs from people have dominated the discussion over the future of work, but the World Development Report 2019 finds that on balance this appears to be unfounded.
World Development Report ~ Work is constantly reshaped by technological progress. New ways of production are adopted, markets expand, and societies evolve. But some changes provoke more attention than others, in part due to the vast uncertainty involved in making predictions about the future. The 2019 World Development Report will study how the .
Globale Suche - Deutsche Bank Research ~ Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um die Nutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Wenn Sie diesen Hinweis akzeptieren oder diese Seite weiter benutzen, nehmen wir an, dass Sie damit einverstanden sind.
World Development Report 2000/2001 : Attacking Poverty ~ This report focuses on the dimensions of poverty, and how to create a better world, free of poverty. The analysis explores the nature, and evolution of poverty, and its causes, to present a framework for action. The opportunity for expanding poor people's assets is addressed, arguing that major reductions in human deprivation are indeed possible, that economic growth, inequality, and poverty .
World Development Report 2006 : Equity and Development ~ This yearâs Word Development Report (WDR), the twenty-eighth, looks at the role of equity in the development process. It defines equity in terms of two basic principles. The first is equal opportunities: that a personâs chances in life should be determined by his or her talents and efforts, rather than by pre-determined circumstances such as race, gender, social or family background. The .
Social entrepreneurship: Creating new business models to ~ The World Bank (2003) maintains that services to satisfy basic human needs, particularly those that contribute to health and education, are failing poor people in terms of access, quality, and affordability. The main reason for this failure appears to be the fact that public spending does not reach the poor and, if it does, service provision is often inefficient and of poor quality.
UNICEF publications / UNICEF ~ UNICEF is a leading source of information on the situation of children around the world. Discover our latest reports and browse by topic. For publications published before 2019, please visit this page. Spotlight publications. Annual Report. UNICEF annual report 2019 For every child, reimagine See the full report. Link. Policy guidance on AI for children Recommendations for building AI policies .
World Development Indicators / DataBank ~ World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. [Note: Even though Global Development Finance (GDF) is no longer listed in the WDI database name, all .
Poverty Home - World Bank ~ Latest news and information from the World Bank and its development work on poverty. Access facts, statistics, project information, development research from experts and latest news about poverty.
Thalia Online Shop / BĂŒcher, eBooks, Spielzeug, uvm. kaufen ~ Buch-Bestseller. Der Heimweg . Der Heimweg (111) 22,99 ⏠Es ist Freitagnacht. Jules Tannberg sitzt am Heimwegtelefon. Ein ehrenamtlicher Telefonservice fĂŒr Frauen, die zu spĂ€ter Stunde auf ihrem RĂŒckweg durch die Nacht Angst bekommen und sich einen telefonischen Begleiter wĂŒnschen, dessen beruhigende Stimme sie sicher nach Hause fĂŒhrt - oder im Notfall Hilfe ruft. Noch nie gab es einen .
WVS Database - World Values Survey ~ NEW World Values Survey Wave 7 released! Download WVS7 data & documentation. WVS 1981-2014 Longitudinal File NEW Download the latest version of the cummulated 1981-2014 data file in different formats (last updated 18-04-2015). Inglehart - Welzel's Cultural Map. WVS Online Analysis Browse WVS data online and produce your own tables
Health and Development: Why Investing in Health is ~ People in most parts of the world are healthier and are living longer. While this trend is likely to con-tinue, hopes are fading in some regions where progress slowed or stopped in the 1990s, primarily as a result of the AIDS epidemic. This compilation of articles published over the past five years in the pages ofF&D looks at the important links between health and economic progress.Articles .
Documents & Reports - All Documents / The World Bank ~ About the Collection. The Documents & Reports (D&R) site is an official disclosure mechanism for the World Bank Groupâs final reports. The repository contains official documents and reports which are made available to the public in accordance with the Bankâs Access to Information Policy to better share the institution's knowledge base.
World Bank - Open Knowledge Repository ~ Climate change poses serious threats to inclusive economic progress and poverty reduction. Strong countermeasures are required to increase the capacity of low-income people to mitigate their risk exposure to the impacts of climate change. Central pillars in planning for sustainable development and poverty alleviati .
Human Development Reports 1990-2019 / Human Development ~ Human Development Report 2016 Human Development for Everyone Universalism is at the core of the human development approach. Human freedoms must be enlarged for all human beingsânot a few, not the most, but all, in every corner of the worldâto be able to realize their full potential now and in the future.
Poverty / Data - World Bank ~ Poverty from The World Bank: Data. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience.
WHO / WHO MIND - Mental Health in Development ~ This project works to unite and empower people to improve service delivery and human rights conditions in mental health facilities and social care homes. Thematic areas of WHO MIND . Mental health policy, planning & service development: integration for better services Mental health policy and action plans are essential because they coordinate, through a common vision, all programmes and .
World Report on Disability - WHO / World Health Organization ~ World report on disability, I find much of relevance to my own experience. I have benefitted from access to first class medical care. I rely on a team of personal assistants who make it possible for me to live and work in comfort and dignity. My house and my workplace have been made accessible for me. Computer experts have supported me with an assisted communication system and a speech .
Indonesia Overview - World Bank ~ The partnership between Indonesia and the World Bank has evolved over six decades to become one of the Bankâs most significant in terms of lending, knowledge services and implementation support. Since 2004, World Bank support for Indonesia has moved towards supporting a country-led and country-owned policy agenda, consistent with Indonesiaâs status as a middle-income country.
WDI - Home - World Development Indicators ~ The World Development Indicators is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about global development and the fight against poverty. The database contains 1,600 time series indicators for 217 economies and more than 40 country groups, with data for many indicators going back more than 50 years.
New UN poverty report reveals âvast inequalitiesâ between ~ The 2019 global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) from the UN Development Programme (), shows that, in the 101 countries studied â 31 low income, 68 middle income and 2 high income â 1.3 billion people are âmultidimensionally poorâ(which means that poverty is defined not simply by income, but by a number of indicators, including poor health, poor quality of work and the threat of .
China Development Bank ~ CDB Has Issued Market-based Bonds Worth 20 Trillion RMB Since Establishment; CDB Works with NATCM to Support the High-Quality Development of Chinese Traditional Medicine; CDB Provides a Total Financing Volume of 550 Billion RMB to Support Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiâs Coordinated Development; CDB Grants 10 Billion RMB in Special Loans for Spring .
Poverty eradication .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge ~ As recalled by the foreword of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report, . into wide-ranging practical steps that have enabled people across the world to improve their lives and their future prospects. The MDGs helped to lift more than one billion people out of extreme poverty, to make inroads against hunger, to enable more girls to attend school than ever before and to protect our .