Beschreibung Nah, S: Establishing Private Health Care Facilities in Deve: A Guide for Medical Entrepreneurs (WBI Development Studies). This book is a practical guide for medical professionals with little or no business experience who are interested in establishing health care facilities in developing countries. It is an introduction to the kinds of basic research and planning required to identify viable solutions and reduce the risk of failure. Drawing on resources and lessons from across the World Bank Group and elsewhere, the book aims to provide medical entrepreneurs with some of the tools they need to build sustainable health care facilities, whether for-profit or nonprofit, for their communities. It offers guidance on key issues such as the project concept, prefeasilibity and feasibility analyses, regulatory and policy environments, investment and financing needs, marketing and pricing principles, facility construction, staffing, and risk management.
Establishing Private Health Care Facilities in Developing ~ Wbi Development Studies. Establishing Private Health Care Facilities in Developing Countries: A Guide for Medical Entrepreneurs. Wbi Development Studies. by Seung-Hee Nah, Egbe Osifo-Dawodu, Bank Group World ==== URL to Download: ==== gratis Establishing Private Health Care Facilities in Developing Countries: A Guide for Medical .
Establishing Private Health Care Facilities In Developing ~ Download Free Establishing Private Health Care Facilities In Developing Countries A Guide For Medical Entrepreneurs Wbi Development Studies Keywords: Read Book Online Establishing Private Health Care Facilities In Developing Countries A Guide For Medical Entrepreneurs Wbi Development Studies Created Date: 8/12/2020 8:22:56 AM
establishing private health care facilities in developing ~ Download Free establishing private health care facilities in developing countries a guide for medical entrepreneurs wbi development studies Keywords: Read Book Online establishing private health care facilities in developing countries a guide for medical entrepreneurs wbi development studies Created Date: 8/24/2020 8:44:10 AM
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