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    The Future is Small: Why AIM will be the world's best market beyond the credit boom

    Beschreibung The Future is Small: Why AIM will be the world's best market beyond the credit boom. In a financial world dominated by gigantism, the beauty of smallness hasn't had much of a look in. Yet beyond the credit boom, globalisation has been found wanting, with growth hard to find. Could it be that small firms are set to be the stock market outperformers of the future? This book confounds the current 'big is better' consensus, with Gervais Williams' extraordinary data showing why smallness offers an effective path for investors beyond the financial crisis. But this book is about so much more than just the case for small being beautiful. It also explains why the unique characteristics of AIM - the UK market for smaller, growing companies - will be a place of extraordinary vitality in the coming years.

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